in #nursingschool7 years ago

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or maybe it was just me anxiously waiting to find the time to tell you all about my first few weeks of nursing school! (I mean after all I did create this account to be able to share my experience with you all :)) So here it goes!

My first week was like jumping into a pool of ice water. I had no idea really what to expect besides the fact that I was about to dive into a ton of school work and studying. On that Monday, I sat through my first ever 2 hour class and besides my toes falling asleep, from sitting at a desk for that long and my eyes burning, most likely due to being afraid to blink and miss something, I'd say it was a pretty stellar first day of classes. I walked back to my apartment and got to work escaping into a world of nursing textbooks that stack almost up to my knee. Tuesday morning was an early wake up call for another 2 hour lecture that started at the most exciting time, 8am. Again toes fell asleep, eyes burned...At this point I decided that eye drops might be a good idea! After my class I walked down four flights of stairs and proceeded to walk to the College of Nursing Hall which is where I would spend the next four hours in my first ever nursing lab. There I sat with the 8 other nursing students in my class waiting to see what exactly was "the truth" that every one is told about simulation labs...... Fast forward a few months... I completed my first semester of nursing school and now finally have time to finish this post. Long story short, I ate, slept, and breathed school from august to now and I couldn't be more relieved that the semester is over. Not only am I pleased to say that I know for a fact that nursing is my calling but I also finished out my first semester of nursing school with a 4.0!!! :)