NUTRITION BLOG : When is the last time you took a look on what you are eating? Simple tips to improve inside!

in #nutrition8 years ago

It’s great to be up to date with the latest money/crypto talk and spend hours sitting with dedication to working on a computer on something that you are passionate about… BUT when is the last time we took a look on what we eat? I remember when I was living in a dorm at school, the smartest scholars that I knew we’re all eating the shittiest foods. Why is that? I think expending our knowledge beyond what we like or the categories we already know is key to improving in general.

Since right now you are either sitting on a computer or glued to your cellphone browsing, I assume that you are pretty up to date with technology and what not. Let me ask you this : When is the last time you did a little check up on what you eat?

  • Is it mostly processed foods? (food modified by humans, usually comes in boxes)
  • Is it foods that are already prepared for you?
  • Is it high in sugar?
  • Do you think you are consuming too much food compared to your level of activity?
  • Are you feeling like shit most of the time? (tired, stressed, etc)
  • Did you wish you would look better physically ? (to your own taste)

This might happen if you don’t cook your own food (lol) :

How many “yes” answers did you get? Whatever the answer is, there is ALWAYS room for improvement nutrition wise, even for the Olympic athletes! Here are some simple tips for each of the questions above:

  • Eat natural foods. Foods that cavemens would eat. The least modified possible.
  • Prepare your own food! Plan time everyday or weekly, to do meal prep.
  • Too much sugar might kill you. Via type 2 diabetes.
  • You can improve health just by moving around more. Go to the gym. Walk outside.
  • Better nutrition will make you feel better. You don’t know how bad you are feeling until you know what feeling the normal “great” is!
  • Changing what you eat will change how you look. Simple as that. Improving your physique and the way you look will increase your self-esteem.

Here is my friend @Jujimufu going a bit crazy with meal prepping :

Now this is when a lot of people come up with excuses. REMEMBER : YOU EITHER HAVE EXCUSES OR YOU HAVE RESULTS! You can’t have both. It’s only a matter of choices and giving yourself time to make your own meals. Even if you want to eat something quick, there is stuff that exists for that. Fruits, nuts and vegetables! There is al kinds of cool fruits out there, so the next time you are in the grocery store by yourself some nice exotic fruits. Personally I love the Dragon Fruit.

This was pretty simple, my goal was to make yourself take a look on what you eat and what you can improve. You will feel and look better guaranteed if you follow the simple tips I gave in this blog.

So next time you are hungry what are you going to do?


That bit about an apple being like paper to a kid today. The hyperpalatability of our food is dangerous.
I've noticed my taste buds level uping since I stopped eating processed stuff.

Stuff that's actually healthy tastes awesome now.

That is actually true! Processed shit can even start tasting weird too. The best example I can think of, is trying to taste the popular normal "kraft" peanut butter after eating the natural ones (with the ingredient being "peanuts" only)

It feels like eating crisco!!!! Natural peanut butter ftw.

That crisco shit is delicious though haha

Good article Antoine. I tend to eat some processed shit sometimes but i try to diminish it because it bloats me and just like you said ur overall wellbeing is much better without it.

For sure man. Alot of the time it's all the lactose and gluten that bloats us up. Try to review the ingredients of the food you are eating... ore ven better eat only natural :)

ditch the process junk and go for the freshest and healthiest ingredients you can- buy in season fruit and veg. I'm a huge smoothie/juicer fan and post about these daily - all easy to make and fully of health benefits . Good article, love the foodprep pic ....

Great article, I was wondering, though. I avoid processed foods and the like, but to the point where I rarely eat fruit because of the sugar/fructose content. I eat plenty of vegetables (fibrous veg etc). I get a lot of what fruit can provide in terms of vitamins from my multi vitamin stacks... Is that okay to do so? Is it okay to replace fruit in this manner, especially when dieting down. It's not that I don't like fruit, it's just that I see it as a hinderance to losing body fat. What do you think?

So Antoine.... You like cheetos huh? :P

What is you're fav cheat food?