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RE: How To Stop Hair Loss Naturally Without Propecia

in #nutrition7 years ago

(article update) No Fap - I'm surprised I never found this when I was researching the content for this article, but this is important. When you ejaculate, you are releasing concentrated minerals from your body that could otherwise eventually be recycled back into your blood. You're also sending signals to your body that you are reproducing (even if you aren't), thus accelerating your aging (and hair loss). If you have sex and aren't trying to have a child, do not ejaculate, keep your sperm. The minerals they have will eventually be recycled back into your body.

Ever hear about women who lose hair during pregnancy or get low iron because the baby is taking nutrients out of her body; why wouldn't creating excess sperm do similar to you. Keeping in this nutrients is going to have a massive energy build-up in your body which you can now use to work on the other suggestions in this article.

If this isn't an urge you have to deal with, then you may have bigger problems or if not ejaculating causes negative side effects.... you may need to get those male hormones balanced. I don't know exactly your situation of how much supplementation & exercise you need, but for me, I take a maintenance does of 2 "Simplex M" & 2 "Wheat Germ Oil" capsules from Standard Process, but I'm balanced. You may need more or other supplements to get to normal or healthy.

To summarize this portion of the article, keep your nutrients & minerals inside you, in your system, and in your blood; do not masturbate, do not ejaculate and keep your hormones balanced.

To learn more about the benefits of No Fap watch this video.


I would also suggest at least 2 / day 'Trace Minerals B6' / day from Standard process maintenance to keep important minerals in your body.