About Life - We were Comrades Then We Become Opponents
We often refer to our friends as our best friend, but if if our friend becomes our enemy, will we still call our friend as our friend ?? the world is spinning all we do and what we have in this world is not always the same. All of them are always alternating from the good for us sometimes to be bad for us or what we think is bad for us to be good for us, we can not determine itself
About Life - We Used Comrades Then We Become Opponents

>And whether all of this will always affect our lives, what we once considered good by us to be bad for us will affect our lives. I am very sorry for my friend where my friend used to be very close but now it is an enemy who always wants to drop, I do not know what causes it, but what I regret is their broken friendship, I am afraid it will not get along again, but easy -may they can get along and familiar again
Having an enemy does not taste good, let alone the enemy is our best friend, the enemy that makes life seem narrow, where we can not show ourselves really, but we just want to drop each other. The enemy can not make us valuable but the enemy makes us hypocritical. Enemies make our minds always think negative
I deeply regret the friendship of someone who once very close now is a very horrible enemy ... it would be wonderful if as a believer always maintain friendship with our friends. And always make the carving as our foundation to live a better friendship
Friends are a valuable treasure in friendship, with our friendship will always be cheerful, with our friends can share. And with friends all the journey of life it feels beautiful. For that, for all your friends never destroy your friendship with your best friend. Do not be destroyed just because of small problems .. keep your friendship
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