
@howo: this is because I am a quantum person. Maybe next week between Monday and Wednesday. I have to double check but we could go for an afterwork beer :)

@planetenamek: come on you know me as well. :D

Yes I didn't quote you @lemouth because you're everywhere and nowhere at once ! But I should have quoted you in all the groups:-). I'm gonna fix that :-D !

This is true, I am a quantum person ^^

Ahahah as usual @planetenamek you make my day ! :D

That sounds like fun! Monday and Tuesday night i am free for an afterwork drink if you guys want ;) I will also check out the other accounts.

Let's see for tomorrow, but I may be taken by a professional dinner. You will soon notice that I am very hard to catch (@howo and @fredrikaa can confirm :D).

I can already say that both of us won't be available ^^ sorry

Thanks for the info @howo ! Still operational

Always :D