New potential innovation coming to the EOSIO

in #ocd5 years ago

Hello Steemers

we're,going to cover an exciting new potential,innovation coming to the EOSIO software and that is called disk ,a new resource on a o SiO for storing,data on solid-state drives as opposed to,all in memory so I thought this was,pretty exciting and I want to give,credit the full credit for this entire,discovery to Corvin maya off to hide it,I hope I said his name right because I,practiced it like 10 times before I said,this this is potentially pretty cool,news guys and I want to be clear that,this was found in the EOS i/o source,code repositories it's being worked on,by block one actively they're testing it,it looks like it's going to make it into,the next release of EOS i/o however it,is not for sure and anything's possible,this is not like something that block,one has come out with and said that,they're going to put out this is,something that Corvin was digging around,and the latest commits on the public yo,s io source code repositories and he,found some interesting insights into,this potential new resource called disk,for all us IO blockchains so real quick,before we dive into what disc is I want,to tell you a little bit about Corvin,himself Corvin has been in to us and EOS,IO from the very beginning he was one of,the core developers at karma shoutout to,Dallas rushing he was a mentor at the,EOS i/o hackathon in London he helped,and advised many different projects with,their implementations and made the third,place at the DEF network hackathon as,well as being the number one user on us,

IO Stock Exchange comm last year he's, also the CTO of a known German, blockchain company and his Twitter,handle is CM ADH underscore so that's, kind of like his credentials and he just, passed this information along to me I,would not have found this without his, help I do not go digging around in u.s. IO, repositories and so that's something,that he took his time and did Corvin, made some finds that indicate a, completely new resource called disk D is,K is being added to the protocol itself,and I'll get into some questions later, on this like I asked him well how's this,different from vram from liquid apps so,he goes on to say that based on the, commits to the public code repositories,the next update of AOS io will include,the mentioned key-value store the, advantages of this are that the creation,of indexes which is the unique,identifiers for datasets costs less,storage space but also these indexes can,be any type and size greater than 64,bits so this is just like nerd speak,before telling you that you'll get,greater capability of storage for smart,contracts and greater versatility for,that storage

so it opens up options for,job creators and it looks like the,storage of this new data type can only,be paid by the contract itself and,there's no way to let the user himself,pay so this is definitely catered to DAP,developers until now it seemed as if the,data in smart contract databases would,be stored in RAM but as seen in the,latest commits it seems like block 1 is,adding a new resource type called disk,the intention for disk is clear,contracts or companies behind smart,contracts pay the resources which,ensures seamless usability for the user,so let's get into the details what is,disk and Corvin goes on to explain here,how does it work and what does it mean,for Els IH Eanes so there's some,technical stuff here and he says smart,contract databases typically use leveldb,such as Bitcoin aetherium neo etc gos,makes a huge difference here while using,RAM and in the future additionally rocks,DB so we're just talking about database,software here which is storing data in,an accessible manner so this newer Fork,rocks DB is optimized to take use of,multi CPU cores and make efficient use,of fast storage such as solid-state,drives as seen in the latest commits it,looks like disk will be an additional,storage resource which can be used to,store data on solid-state drives instead,of in RAM and obviously with solid-state,drives you can have a much larger,storage capacity in the tens or hundreds,of terabytes and increasing every year,as opposed to Ram which typically caps out about 64 or 256 gigabytes per,computer due to technical limitations

it's basically it's a lot easier to add,solid-state drive storage as opposed to,Ram and so this innovation allows the,storage capacity for EOS i/o block,producers and nodes and databases to,increase tremendously disk is in,contract on chain storage for,computational tasks it is not,distributed file storage for media or,similar data and that was one of my,questions as well I was wondering if,this was a replacement for ipfs file,storage interplanetary file storage,storing movies video content on the,chain it's not a replacement for that,this is for use by smart contracts to,store data for applications due to the,higher storage supply capacity discs,will be much cheaper than Ram but it,will also be slower and consume more CPU,if block producers of one of the many,iOS i/o chains decide to add,they would need to upgrade and add SSDs,to their hardware and server,infrastructure but solid-state drives,are quite cheap compared to other,hardware like RAM or graphics cards so,it shouldn't be too expensive to do now,as far as use cases for this possible,use cases are data that only needs to be,accessed at longer intervals for example,posts from a decentralized social,network could be moved from ran to disk,after a week since the number of,interactions with a post decreases over,time another example could be inactive,players in a game where only 20% of the,players are regularly playing and the,80% of inactive players could be moved,from Ram to disk after a certain,inactive time to save on costs another,type of use case could be future disk,airdrops where the user has to claim the,token from disk to ram if he wants to use it

low liquidity tokens would be,a reasonable use case as well disk is a,resource that anyone can buy and own,like RAM in fact when you buy Ram you,are reserving storage space once you do,a transaction that consumes Ram some of,the reserved Ram space is then filled,with this new disk storage type once you,do a transaction that consumes space,it's always the contract that has built,so I asked him about how this related to,liquid apps and vram because V Ram as I,understood it was a way to drastically,reduce the cost of RAM storage and to,distribute that amongst DSPs on the,liquid apps network and Corvin explained,V RAM is injected storage that's not,really on chain it's on a second layer,it's pretty slow and much of the,computational work is done outside the,chain on the converse disk runs,completely on chain the access is,directly from within smart contracts and,all computational work is done on chain,so disk will be significantly faster,than V RAM and easier to access for,developers and I also asked them how,fast is it to access the data stored in,disk verse,is data stored in RAM and he said that,it could be done in a single transaction,basically the smart contract would read,from disk and then write to RAM and,you're done so there we have it guys and,exciting new capability hopefully coming,soon to the EOS i/o software as he said