OCD Daily: Issue #38

in #ocd7 years ago (edited)

OCD DAILY - Issue #38

Welcome to the 38th issue of @OCD Daily!

Issue #38 highlights content from nine (9) marvellous yet underrated Steemit Content Creators! The OCD team on its journey continues to search tirelessly throughout Steemit for undervalued gems as provided by relatively new users.

Today our (20) curators, under our steadfast leader, @acidyo, have delivered nine wonderful pieces of original content to share with you! These works as provided by newer steemit users don’t have the audience in which their content deserves. @OCD strives to provide that audience and to showcase Steemit users that put in the effort to create quality content.

The nomination process
A curator will FIND a piece of work (typically from newer users), within 24 hours that piece has been submitted from the curator to the @ocd team, votes tallied and the pieces with the most votes are placed into the compilation.

We encourage you to visit these blogs and to show these great Steemians your support and encouragement.

If you enjoyed their work give them a Follow or maybe even say hello

All of the content as chosen by our curators is undervalued, but there is always one piece that rises to the top. That piece is seen as universally appreciated and valued making it OCD’s Top Nomination of the Day.

Do you know what augmented reality is? Are you familiar with the way it changes the perception you might have about your daily life? Better yet, is it true it can change the way we live? This time our winning article was found by @jeanpi1908 and in here @glex dives into this topic which is already among us, rather you´ve heard of it or not. But I bet you have, does "Pokemon Go" ring a bell for you? Click HERE to read more about the future!

Of course every @ocd post has to have an amazing post regarding photography! This time it is @tenacioussacue´s turn to shine and it is all thanks to @elteamgordo and his curation skills. But this is not your regular "written with photos included" post, this is about taking photos with drones. But this are not your normal drone pictures, these are 360 pictures! Click HERE to read this step-by-step guide to get a perfect shot.

Don´t let @apsu´s post title fool you, he is not a stud or a player but one thing is clear, @kryptik did a great job finding this piece of gold. Check out this list with pickup lines he made up by himself, we can tell because the creativity behind the lines is awesome. Click HERE to become the local player in your hometown!

@jznsamuel is known among the @ocd guild as one of our best curators, not only because he spends a lot of time doing the task but he also finds pieces like the one written by @sebi99p. Videogames are a huge part of our pop culture worldwide and one the games that helped the first person shooter dynamic was "DOOM". If you are a 90s kid you will remember this, if you are older then you must have played this game if you have ever heard of videogames. Click HERE to go into a trip down memory lane.

Among all the travel posts there is always a few that stand out from the bunch but most of them already have fair rewards. This post written by @sanjay91422 was discovered by @howtostartablog and it is by far the most underrated travel post of the week! The author has an astounding narrative and will hook you up from the first paragraph. The subject is out of this world but what makes this post what it is, is the details, you actually feel like you went in that trip. Click HERE to read more!

Hiking or adventure posts are usually written days after the adventure was experienced but for @kristinbr it doesn´t work that way. Our sources (@ma1neevent) tell us that she didin´t even took a bath after returning from the trip and she started writing this post! I would have done the same after such a brilliant adventure, it shows in the writting, the passion she puts into it, she really enjoyed the adventure time but also writing about it. Click HERE to immerse yourself into her world. Heads up mate, cute animals included.

In the past 30 years we have accomplished more breakthrough regarding DNA than in the last 2,000 years. One of the most important ones is the fact that we can modify our human genome. There are some moral implications but @ovij will not bore you with that matter, he will show you how it is done and what could be achieved by doing so. Click HERE to get schooled by this post uncovered by @suesa.

This post written by @savetuk is part of a series of published articles dedicated to spread awareness about how a river and a canyon are being taken over to mine and develop more tourism. @clevertcreator gives 99% of her time to help people on steemit, and guess what? She found this post made by an account created with the sole purpose of sharing the news about this sad yet more than real subject. Click HERE to find out more about this issue happening in Bali.

Is security an issue in your neighborhood? Well, how about whatever happens to you, you write about and make a few bucks out of it? @mk40 found the perfect example for this situation. Written in first person by @seveaux, he tells us all about his first hand experience, he even includes a funny story in this article. Click HERE to read this piece, but be aware that he will tell you all about the prelude and the consequences, this is not just a "I got robbed post", this is a whole chapter in the life of this great writer.

Thanks for stopping by as this concludes today’s OCD Daily. We would like to congratulate the authors nominated as well as those featured.

Hopefully, you were able to take away something different, fresh, and new from the pieces as provided by the @ocd curators.

The OCD team would also like to thank those that strive to make a difference. As anyone can create a posting but only some can create/build value.

Be sure to check for tomorrow’s edition of OCD Daily!

Keep up the good work creating original content

You never know when @ocd may be around :)

Written from the middle of nowhere in Nicaragua by @anomadsoul

Know that your Resteem supports undervalued authors!


Oh, wow! Thank you for mentioning me and sharing my story and picture. I really appreciate all your kind words, and this kind of feedback motivates me to want to post more stories like this. Again, thank you :) Have a nice day!

Kristin :)

Oh my God, and I thought I knew a lot of stuff since May that I joined but nope! Keep learning! I had no idea about those content curator issues, I just saw this last one from @acidyo !!! I really hope I wasn't featured and not even realizing it, but I presumed I would have seen it on mentions of steemdata ;) I'm glad to see that my newly joined friend @sebi99p is here!!! @creutzy introduced us both to steemit and we're all taking it very seriously! I'll keep an eye from now on, hate missing great, original content! Thank you @ocd !!! :D

Thank you for showcasing me!

Congratulation to each and everyone of them.

Support me and enter here https://steemit.com/help/@gr3g0r/hi-i-m-from-venezuela your collaboration is important @gr3g0r Follow Me!

Congratulations to all those mentioned! Augmented reality is going to change EVERYTHING.

very good.
I would be happy if you like to follow me and give your opinion about my posts.

Some really amazing nominations as usual! I really wanted to share this post with you guys as well, because it means a lot to me and its intention was to help people who lack motivation in their lives... so I really wanted to to reach far and wide!

Hope you enjoy it xxx

Would love your feedback on my latest post too if you would like to take a moment to read it :)

You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideas and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings - Learn to use them and fly! - Rumi


wow thank you for this promotion of my post! and the appreciation of it! I can do something back for you next time just let me know! Greetings @Seveaux.
btw discovered some typing and gammar errors hehe, just read it with a dutch accent and it sounds okay :P