Odd-Even Make Difficult?

in #odd8 years ago

Jakarta - The atmosphere traffic on Jalan Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta, last week toward Semanggi look different. Motorists are usually struggling with congestion since the midst of 3 in 1 dicabut-- now started to relax. They work to accelerate the vehicle smoothly.

This is because the city government introduced a system of trial amid odd-even for a month, ie July 27 to August 26, 2016. Technical restrictions on vehicles with odd-even license plate system is done by only allowing vehicles with even-numbered plates pass on even-numbered dates.
Conversely vehicles with odd plates are only allowed to pass on odd dates. Determination of the odd-even can be seen from the last two digits of the license plate.
This policy applies on some roads were never enforced system 3 in 1. As Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jalan MH Thamrin, Jalan Sudirman and Jalan Singamangaraja.

In addition, also in Jalan Gatot Subroto, precisely from the intersection of Brass to Senayan and the reverse direction. Odd-even effect on weekdays at 07:00 to 10:00 pm and at 4:00 p.m. to 20:00 pm.

"That could have seen, begin to reduce congestion, this may be effective," said a police officer, Yudiyanto to Liputan6.com, Jakarta, Monday, July 27, 2016.

He added that although there is still a passing car plates even on this strange day, either police officers or Dishub only give warning.

"If the day is over, we tegor wrote, baseball apain pickle, given tau course, baseball is ticketed as well," he said.


Violations of Section Head Gakum Dirlantas City Police Commissioner H Salam said trials odd vehicle plates even on the first day is quite effective. This is seen along Jalan Gatot Subroto, ranging from Simpang Brass to Senayan and so smoothly.

"It seems we are quite successful socialization, people are starting to understand, so it seems to be effective. It can be seen alone, baseball jammed right, so smoothly on the streets here (Simpang Kuningan traffic light)," Salam said in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 27, 2016.

Salam explained on many vehicles, only seen one or two plates even passing cars. He explained that when a test is not applied sanctions or ticketed for  passing motorists are not in accordance with the schedule.

"This week verbal warning. The second week in the form of written warning. Well lasted 1 month the new ticket," said Salam.

Linda, a motorist who was dismissed officers claimed to support the new policy. According to him, the program is right for smooth traffic.

"The most I'll ride Transjakarta bus when fit again odd plate.  Whatever the government policy, while it was good, and for us, create  traffic smoothly, yes we certainly support," says Linga.

In a similar vein, Kasim also supports this policy. Although he did not know about this odd-even license plate. "Very well, let ngurangin jammed. Most use public transportation when fitting plate odd," said Kasim.

Not Susahkan Residents

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok confirming the application of odd-even system not to pester the citizens. The model was applied to the general public.

"We intentions (odd-even) baseball nyusahin residents, it's only for  common interests only," says Ahok at Jakarta City Hall, Friday, July 29,  2016.

In these trials, Ahok saw no satisfactory result. In addition to making more regular traffic, motorists are also being orderly by not making false number plates.

"We also did not find no plates false. Kan police could kenalin. Well so we are very happy. In fact we said plate RI may enter the busway course, if I'm not destitute, ministers baseball will get in. So from top officials already love the example. It very good, "says Ahok.

He emphasized that the official car is free from odd-even policy. Including black official car plates with nopol RFS-RFK.

"The plates are red may be, the official car may be. Actually, my kayak RFS, RFK allowed to be. So you have to look at the plates, I teach ya how to view the plates if the police know. Kan many ya entrepreneurs in style, disposable plates RFS, RFK so right, got them tuh bulging, "says Ahok

"What distinguishes an official car with a beautiful number that was where? Take a look at our series. If you use RFS RFK, the next series definitely figure 1. If you have 2 or 3 it was pretty numbers only. So, do not misunderstand, later everyone thought RFR, RFS, RFK allowed to enter, "he added.

Because do not want any misunderstanding, Ahok also exemplifies the change into the red plate car license plate.
"Oh well I taught first, wearing a red plate deh. New later had we stayed skid wrote it," Ahok insisted.
Ahok reminded, even odd rule is an interim policy. Therefore, the most effective measures in anticipation of congestion is the application of pay road system or electronic road pricing (ERP). "The auction process (ERP) under way," he said.
Ahok reveals new ERP implementation will be carried out around the end of 2017 or early 2018.


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