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RE: Trolls drove us out of our home! Or did they?

in #off-grid7 years ago

Every post you show me of troy makes me like him. I dont understand what this is proving besides a guy and his pregnant wife are struggling and want to move back to be closer to family.
you got websites and forums to harass him on. its just pointless here. just let it go here...give him a chance man...people change when they have kids...we all deserve a space to redeem ourselves. ill keep an eye on keep an eye on him...but just lay off...find peace for yourself.
4 years obsessing over the same for a new hobby.


"Every post you show me of troy makes me like him."

With the onset of Winter I would suggest that his Youtube videos would make entertaining viewing. There's something for everyone. Scams, dangerous practices, begging, failed crops, failed projects, a criminal association just to mention a few.

I take it you haven't seen this one then... Three videos, over three weeks, with three different reasons for their move. If he at least made his lies plausible, maybe it wouldn't be so bad???

You believe whatever you like about him. We know the truth. Just yesterday, the wife of the man who helped build his "Tiny House" in New York joined our ranks. This would be the man who's ladders Troy abandoned, or sold, before fleeing back to Mummy.

Troy has nowhere to redeem himself. Even his own Church thinks he's a liar. He said so himself.

You carry on with what you are doing, and I'll do the same. There will be more to come, rest assured.

Have a lovely day, Sir.

yes, it is very obvious to me that it wont stop. im an idiot...i have high ideals for humanity...for steemit...i left the states so i could maintain and create my own fantasy world.... a bubble where i could still see the best in people.
which is why i was willing to take a risk on the idea steemit is. i joined because it's not about ad dollars and corperations its core it is about people believing in and supporting other people. there are plenty of examples that it doesnt live up to that and plenty that it does. we currently are all part of its inception and at this point to an extent can still steer its direction and make shifts to how it runs. i doubt that will last much longer. no doubt it is a circle jerk...but finding real people attempting to use it in the way i hope for it....thats enough for me. I dont rely on this site for income and never fact im not here for the income aspect at all.
when i found troy it was just a guy doing his thing in my view. i had no history and engaging him was just me putting out feelers for how real a person is....cause as you probably can see there are a lot of bots and random fake people vying for attention here...all with the strange dream that steemit is there way to earn money. this is not why im here.
when i saw you first calling him out for upvoting himself as everyone does...i called you out. i had no idea i was stepping on a hornets nest. again my personal naive ideals and spirit felt the need to defend him and perhaps more so steemit.
i truly believe that the surrounding him and taking him out by a thousand small cuts is not necessary here.
but it is very clear that nothing i say will veer the determination of this group.
so have at it.
it is not my fight
i see that i am now getting picked apart...that my story of being raided by police is seen as whining compared to troy. but i stated that as happened, it sucked, we overcame. my point was not eliciting pity...the same that my wonky hand and foot and broken back were stated as facts to say that we all are crippled in our own way. maybe i read it wrong but it seems your talk of being a cripple was a guise...we all play are parts i guess.

if that day ever came that .sucks ever expanded to bigger fish as you say...then yes you would have a convert...i really would take a part....exposing scammers for what they are interests guys are just too far along with troy...maybe if i was there from the beginning. but looking for and researching and finding other dolphin or whale size scammers interests me. Troy just feels a minnow. to use steemit lingo.
good day to you too sir,

Unfortunately, you just stepped on a hornet's nest that has been growing for years. You weren't to know about him. Why would you?

I, personally, prefer to avoid insults and attacks. Reasoned discourse is always preferable, as you know. We are both adults. Sorry if you feel slighted. Again, you weren't to know.

I can assure you, it is no guise. I only wish it were so... :o(

Not everyone on the internet tells lies. :o)

Good day, again. :o)

The guy has had plenty of chances...he still does. Looks like you fell for his MO. Hang in all of the Bedhini motor videos and you will soon understand.

i wouldn't characterize it as i fell for his MO. I would say i had a few interaction with a guy about solar. I happened to be the person interacting with him when @oldcodge joined.
I was turned off by the way in which it happened and i began interacting with OC about him making fun of DIY over upvoting himself. as you all see now...self upvoting is normal here and i pointed this out.
then this whole world descended on me. I would say i much more reacted to the negativity of that, than that somehow i was duped by troy.
I read through .sucks trying to see what it was all about. I found mostly hearsay and belittlement all beit humorous and shockingly creative. The truest thing discovered thus far was the personal story of @divecrewcanada
im not exactly sure if people in .sucks care.... but from a complete outsiders perspective who stumbled into this thing by kwinky dink.... a section of simple personal stories of how and why people feel directly wronged by t-dawg could be an effective section of the forum.
the evidence locker is lacking in clarity in my opinion and 'the what did you do to get banned' section that i was suggested to look at was kinda whiny and didn't feel such a big deal for all this daily hounding.
this is my opinion as person away from the daily history and with only words on a screen to access what was happening ...that's my take it or leave it.
i am strangely fascinated by the whole thing though. i get a kick out the community, it makes me laugh, a kinda guilty pleasure. It triggers my empathy but i cant look away..... like a car crash.