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RE: Exclusive Peak Inside the BCC Office ~ Hanoi, Vietnam

in #office7 years ago

So I havn't done too much research into bitconnect myself other than watching a few of your videos. The overall sentiment in the crypto community seems to be that BCC is a ponzi. Their formula does seem a bit too close to a ponzi scheme, and you know what they say "if it looks like a duck..." I'm definitely still not convinced as to putting my money in or not, but I'll keep watching your videos.


hah sorry but you sound just like the peopel who say Bitcoin is a ponzi! Bitcoin community is NOT immune to extreme ignorance! you havent even downloaded the wallet and seen how you can MINE and STAKE the bitconnect coin! dude do you even kow what a crypto currency is???

look! Does a scam have a fuly decentralized crypto currency QT wallet? didnt think so!

Im setting up my bitconnect miner right now! So go ahead and start MINING it if you dont trust their loan system! thats just a way to guarantee profit but look when you have this many people locking iobn money into bitconnect tokens, ITS THE SAME AS STEEM then with US all locking in money with Steam Power!!! Ok its not EXACTLY the same but its VERY close!!!!!

And look u have to actualy try something before believing ALL the jelous peopel out there!!

HEEY Steem let some people turn $10,000 into $280,000 when the price went from 10 cents to $2.80 per steem! OMG thats way more than 1 percent a day ddaily interest! DOes that mean STEEMIT is a ponzi scheme?? or how about Bitcoin! bitcoin made tyons of money for people, WAYY too good to be true! So bitcoin MIUSt be a ponzi too RIGHT? Hey if it walks like a duck, see how silly your sounding?

come on man, get with the program herem, decentralized crypto currencies in the top 12 of coinmarketcap are not ponzi's...bro stop being so jelous and actually do the research sorry to call u out but sorry im sick of people BLINDLY calling bitconnect a ponzi when SO many peopel have DIRCTLY ioncreased the oprice of steem from bitconnext toklens theyve earnd, sold for bitcoin and used to buy steempower! like @craig-grant @trevonjb etc

Look sorry to be so harsh but i HAVE to call people out for calling something a scam with NO evidence JUST because they allowed making money off crypoto to become easy enough fior anyone to do! Crypto doesnt HVE to be difficult tio work! I learned that relatively recently actually, that something doesnt HAVE to be difficult for it to wrk JUSt as well! when things become user friendly YES it DOES becme this easy to amke money! Dont knock it man

sorry to be so harsh im just angry opeopel caling it a scam without any evidence JUST like how peopel called Bitcoin a scam!

Mining and staking a coin does not make it valuable. There are over 1000 crypto currencies out there and most of them are mineable and many are stakeable. Doesn't matter to me because I'm definitely not set up to mine anything. So as far as an investment I was curious about Bitconnect. I have seen some very positive videos such as from @cryptoclover , but I have also seen and heard from some other's who are very respectable who have shared their thoughts on why they think this is a ponzi scheme.

Judging by your reaction you are all in on BCC so I hope for your sake it isn't. You can't compare Bitcoin and Steem fluctuating in price based on investor confidence and speculation to a system that takes your money and locks it in for a period of time before allowing you to use it again. And yes I am aware that people have made money off Bitconnect, both from the actual loaning service, and from buying, mining, and staking the coin.

Ponzi's work by paying their innitial investors with money from new investors. It also has worked in a pyramid scheme which everyone at this point knows they should beware of (unless they are at the top, then it's all ok right?)

I could post a lot more links to other people who are calling it a scam. For me when I say "if it looks like a duck" I mean it has some very similar characteristics to a ponzi scheme. It's suspicious. I think especially with the 30% drop we just saw today on BCC that we may be seeing the true colors very soon.
