Made Some Yummy Pancakes This Morning With and Without Chocolate Chips and the Kitten Drank My Milk


How many of you know how to make pancakes? I have a gluten-free mix I use that is store bought, and I used it this morning again. This is a gluten-free mix because I chose to have it in the cupboard again. I am pretty much gluten-intolerant. This means some forms of gluten can make me sick or otherwise cause me harm. Recently I mostly noticed the effect it has on my severe dry eye syndrome more than anything else. When I avoid gluten as much as completely can my eyes don't feel like they're swollen up and running like a river! I'm not sure if there is any kind of connection with everyone else on that but give it a try and de-glutenize everything you consume and see if it helps any.

This morning I woke up somewhat early enough ( so I thought) so I could have the morning mostly all to myself while cooking up a pancake storm. The cat and her one kitten were around too to enjoy the morning with me. I let Paws the momma cat inside, she had been out all night until about then, she refused to come in when everyone else went to bed around 11 p.m. So what's a cat owner to do? She does have a few places out there to try to keep warm, and it was somewhat cold. But she is also not fixed yet and in heat on and off so I'm sure that was one of the reasons why she wanted to stay out too. It's not my cat officially to decide what to do right now.


Then I let the kitten out of my room, who doesn't go out at night but she does have some freedom to roam on the deck for awhile and play with her momma during the day for awhile most days. The weather permitting of course and people around to watch them both romp around like they're both kittens together is amusing. They can really have a fun time together and am glad they still have each other.

My pancake batter consisted of simple ingredients, the gluten-free mix, some milk, an egg and some coconut oil. Then I decided to add some extra nutrition in the mix by putting in generous serving of protein powder which is flavoured vanilla. It has the house smelling really nice too. I am trying to use up that canister and not buy it anymore though, and get another brand. This brand has carageenan in it and I'm not too thrilled with that but didn't want to waste the whole thing.


My idea also was to add some chocolate chips to one of the pancakes. This one was the one I actually had for breakfast. I make mine rather large, as big as the pan I have itself. Otherwise I'll be there for hours making several more pancakes which I don't have time for. The other extra pancakes I put in the freezer for another time.


You might see some lumps of the protein powder in the batter but they dissolve and you don't taste any lumps or have them int he texture of the pancake when they're finished cooking on the stove, miraculously. I think the chocolate chips in the pancakes are more for dessert but if you're like me and crave chocolate at any time of the day then you'll be happy with the choice of adding them. They were so good. I didn't even need to put anything on top of these pancakes but of course the choice is yours.


I had also planned to drink a glass of milk, or at least half of one. I totally forgot that the kitten was around me when I put it on my desk though. Guess what? She didn't forget I had milk there, she even helped herself to a few sips of it. You can see in the photo just how she stuck her head in the glass! I just let her have it and then put the rest in the fridge for her for later. Cats don't always digest milk products well so I'm not going to give her too much even if she still is a small kitty. She is in the weaning stages with her momma but momma Paws still gives in to her as most momma cats do sometimes.


In the end I forgave little miss Pikachu and went on my merry way to enjoy the rest of my morning as far as after breakfast. She can't have the chocolate chips because that is a definite no no for her. Then, I had my laundry done by my sweet friend here and she even folded my clothes for me after she came back from the laundromat. The dryer is broke but they are trying to get a new one when they can afford to. Things seem to break a lot like that, my mom just told me they have to replace their refrigerator now soon because it is leaking a yellowish white liquid. If you don't know what to do to fix it then you panic like my mom does and want to go out and buy a new one right away.


waiting for more from you anne4farmer! keep motivating!

i dont know how to make but yes i know how to eat. ha ha

OMG, this made me really reallyyyyyy hungry right now!

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Thank you @minnowpond once again, it is appreciated.

i will try this one for my kids and hubby

Good for you, they'll appreciate it. Sundays aren't always the day to make them on :-) Lots of people make them on the weekends only.

They were for real!!

That pancake looks yummy! We have a kitten in the house too. She is always hungry and she ates like a boss.

Cats are the boss when it comes to them being our pets. Teehee. What is your kitten's name?

Oh that's my favorite, I'll try to prepare one with choco chips

I also buy ready to cook pancakes and looks like youe kitten enjoyed it too. Good morning.

She only drinks the milk, lol. Chocolate is not good for cats.

Well, I didn't feel like eating cold cereal or eggs again. So I had these around to make and was up early enough today. I have to admit they weren't that bad :-)