DTube has a bright future. My Video Response to @toddjsmith1979 [DTube Exclusive]

in #onelovedtube7 years ago (edited)

I believe @dtube has a bright future. I know it's not perfect right now. But what is? Things will improve. Here's is an entire transcript of this video just incase someone just wants to skim through it. This is my video response to @toddjsmith (feel free to check out his video on the subject)

Here are all my talking points in this video.

  1. “Been full-time blockchain for the last 3 months” - Toddjsmith
  2. “Moving my content from DTube to DLive” - Both platforms can co-exist. It’s not a one or the other. I’ve posted in DLive before, I didn’t get as much support, so I posted a handful of videos and went right back to DTube - everyone’s gotta do what they gotta do.
  3. “Developers on DLive are doing a much better job, creating a much better platform, much better contact with you.” Better is subjective. Because we can see that DTube is very active in their development. In fact, I’ve seen developers often in the suggestions portion of the dtube discord and in general chat helping people.
  4. “DTube has an OZ kinda feeling because there’s a guy behind the curtain and you don’t really know who he is.” - Actually we all know who he (they are) it’s right on the DTube about page. Also, the Creator releases updates regularly about what they’re doing
  5. “DTube takes 25% of your earnings while DLive let’s you keep everything.” Cannot argue that point - however that will not always be the case. We have an amazing leadership team at DTube and they will definitely give back to those who remain loyal to the platform - I have faith in it and that there will come a time where they won’t need to have that fee in order to runt things. Remember - DTube was a work of passion, but because it requires so many resources and talents, it needs to come from somewhere - and all of that is 100% transparent. So it’s no hiding where that 25% goes - it goes right back to dtube.
  6. “DLive videos stay forever…which is kinda sad considering they charge you 25% of your money - where is that money going?” - It’s all transparent so if you want to look it up, you can. — aside from that, the videos are stored, they’re still finding a way to make it readily available. In terms of videos being gone 2 months after you upload, I just tried my video from literally 2 months ago and it loaded. If you want to see for yourself - there’s a link below.
  7. “DTube is promoting anyone who talks about DTube” - which is funny because Todd’s video talks about DLive and DLive supported it
  8. “Have to talk about DTube or have a DTube shirt just to have a chance at succeeding. Or belong to a cool click”
  9. I can name a lot of dtubers who don’t talk about dtube and do different things like sing, make comedies, make creative montages, make vlogs, personal development, health and wellness, fitness, musicians and other artist that dtube supports. And who’s not to say that creating videos in and of itself isn’t an art form.
  10. “As an artist it can be really frustrating because you can get overlooked all the time.” - Actually at the time of your video bashing DTube you were in the top 10 of who dtube voted the most. It’s all transparent so anyone can look that up and see your payout.
  11. “I feel dtube is going down the wrong road. I feel alive is going down the right road.” that didn’t really say anything. These platforms are so new, there’s still a long way to go.
  12. “I will be posting DLive exclusive.” - That’s what you said, but 4 hours after you posted that you’re DLive exclusive, you posted on DTube and since then you’ve posted on DTube several times already - so even though your words say “DTUBE SUCKS.” (paraphrase) your actions are saying “DTube is amazing.” because it is.
  13. I thought the video was very polarizing and although I disagree, I want to wish you the best in your endeavours.
  14. DTube has a really bright future. It’s the YouTube of the decentralized world. DLive is more like Twitch. You can put photos on twitter, but it’ll always be the text platform. You can put text on instagram, but it’ll always be the picture platform.
  15. DTube has established itself as the decentralized Tube. It has a bright future and those who stick around will reap enormous benefits.
  16. I put my money where my mouth is. I’ve invested a lot into DTube. Even from the very first time I got a DTube up vote. Because I believe in it. I believe it is the future.
  17. So stick around, keep uploading your videos and never give up.
  18. And be positive and stay positive.

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*** CLICK PICTURE TO WATCH - If you want to get through the video in record time, set your playback speed to 1.25x or 1.5x ***

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Thanks again, I’ll see you guys next time here on D-News on @dtube and remember to keep it D-centralized!

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@dnews thank you for making this video. You were professional and honest. I don't think anyone on earth could of explained this situation better then was was presented in this video! @dtube has helped me and my family more than one on here, for that we are truly grateful.

There is room for both Dtube and Dlive, both have an amazing future a head. We are happy to be here right now, ready for the future! Thank you man! #onelovedtube

Same. A lot of us have found a second wind on here. A lot of us coming from traditional social media. I’m very grateful for this platform. There are good things to come!


Dtube has been improving at an incredible pace. Creators are joining the platform left and right, it's also going faster than I ever expected. Great stuff here dnews. And thank you to the creators of DTUBE and everyone who works , shares, or creates for this revolutionary tool.

I agree. I've seen it with my own eyes. DTube is listening to the viewers, the creators and making adjustments and improvements left right and centre.

Dtube is well on its way to being something great. There is no reason to draw lines in the sand and pit one against another. We as creators don't need to be divided by which platform we prefer. We should each support each other and the goal should always be to encourage. Be well.

I 100% agree - @dtube on it's way to something great. It's already revolutionizing video sharing. It's just a matter of time. Support!! #onelovedtube

I think DTube has a real future. It may be months or years before it gains some real traction but I think it'll happen. Others have tried but they all keep shutting down (like Vidme) and the main problem is that it's just too expensive to host 1000000000s of hours of content. DTube is the solution to this problem.

Thank you for being one of those guys who actually host some of our videos!!! You’re definitely one of our #onelovegeniuses


Golly gosh, there was a lot in there. I'm enjoying the support I've found on both platforms as a musician and as a content creator. I try to overlook the upvotes as that's not why I started and so it shouldn't be why I continue. But the fact is I spend most of my day in and around DTube because it fits me well -- commenting, watching, creating, Discord etc. And I love DLive for streaming and what that has brought into my life. I do get that a lot of content is crypto related - I tend to switch off from that and choose the content that speaks to me, just as I do on other social media platforms. I mean have you seen rants on Facebook about the Calmac ferry on Arran or the potholes around the island's roads? No? Yeah, me neither. I don't click on them either. Lol.

Hey Cam. Hahaha yeah I know it was a mouthful. Thanks for the comment and watch. I agree. Both have different things to offer and that’s great for all of us :) go where the winds take you and adjust our sails along the way :) #onelove brotha. Keep up the grind! Your story is inspiring!!

Thanks man. I will keep up the grind for sure!


I think @DTube is here to stay and if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have had such an amazing welcome to this platform. They do a great job at trying to ensure new users are seen and that they reward consistent uploaders! Honestly, both platforms are great and I don't think it should be a battle between the two :)

I can't wait for more people to discover DTube. They treat their creators with the highest respect and that is rare these days with platforms!

I remember discovering your video on dtube! And @alphasteem as well :) I agree. The platforms are Co-existing and they will each have their niche. It’s great we have that option.

Its still so early but I believe in DTube, I am happy to be here in the early stages and see how things will evolve in the future. However, I think the frustration with most people is that the only way to get your videos seen is by having DTube themselves up vote you; Its extremely rare to get a high value vote anywhere else but from DTube. It is for this reason most people are turned off, which I can completely understand. Especially if you're putting out quality. As time goes on, I am hopeful that will change and the community has more a say of what appears on the hot and trending pages. Until then, lets keep uploading. :)

Hey Nick. Yeah I can see that as well. Right now it’s nice we have at least that dtube upvote. Otherwise we might not get any notice at all. This video for example. Might not be all the time, but nice to know there is support out there and it’s all transparent.

I'd say it's great to have so many choices on where to post content. To each his own.

@dnews I appreciate your perspective on the platform and your sharing some of the vision for the future of DTube. I don't want to repeat myself here, since I've already written a bit about this topic, but I believe the future is very bright for DTube and I feel privileged to be a part of it. You said the system was a project born out of passion, and transparency. This does seem quite obvious to me, even as a relative newcomer. Going back through the history of @heimindanger's announcement post oh those many months ago (about 8, I think) and piecing together the progress of the system to where it is now is a story of intelligence, inspiration, and dogged determination at work. I have a profound respect for what has been accomplished so far with DTube in such a short time.

Juggling a monumental technical task, at the same time as building and educating and shepherding a user community, as well as managing the resource constraints and economic realities of a very costly undertaking is no small task. My hat is off to the developers and the rest of the DTube team that has done so much for all of us on this platform, and not just for the technical results which are significant. The community which is being built, which I see as a positive and helpful place for video creators and artists of all types to advance their capabilities, to expand their horizons, to learn from each other, teach each other, to encourage each other and be personally challenged to grow - it is a remarkable thing.

Lest this be just a blubbering love-fest of platitudes, let me be clear. There are very real challenges, and very real problems that exist and must be overcome if DTube is going to live up to its potential. I am grateful for what has already been done, and which has been freely given to me to use and to build upon. That is a significant motivator for me, to want to do everything I can to pitch in and help. I take a lot of confidence in knowing that this is a group effort. As a group we are a talented and motivated force which has already proved to be able to achieve great things. Together, we will accomplish much.

This was amazing Todd. I like how you cover both perspectives. Yes the work done has been amazing. It is a great endeavour. And in order to pull forward there is still much work to be done! Bravo!