Youtube To DTube Uploader Website

Hello everyone!

In recent weeks there have been quite a few users reporting issues with the DTube uploader, everything from having to click submit 31 times to not having their videos rendered and only getting a 'source' quality. This website that I am currently working on aims to provide a way to not only temporarily fix all of these issues for some users, but to also help relieve some of the stress from DTube's servers. The way this is accomplished is by leveraging the YouTube platform. If the video is already uploaded to YouTube, it will already be rendered 720p and 480p video quality. This removes the need for DTube to waste resources re-rendering these files as well as save on storage space since the source file will be an optimized 720p video. YouTube also automatically generates subtitles which this website can download and post along with the video.

This website stores and pins the 480p video before making the final post. This should allow the video to be fully available within 1-2 minutes for watching. A very nice feature I added the other day was a 'scheduling' feature. This allows a creator to schedule when they would like their video to go public in 30 minute time intervals.

Right now (and probably for a very long time) the website is invite-only. Only a very small group of people will have access to the website. Eventually, I would like to remove uploading the 720p to DTube entirely and only post the hashes there and charge a small hosting fee that people can pay once a month and host their 720p videos permanently. Right now the current goal is to provide a better DTube user experience for everyone.

I am currently looking for 2-3 alpha testers for the site. 2 of my friends have already given it a go for a few days and the site seems relatively stable as of right now.

Thanks for reading!


Can’t wait boys, solutions around the corner!

Thank you for putting so much time and effort into working out a solution!

That's great idea :D I'm kinda wonder about if 720p really is needed because you can choose sorce option and if somebody did 720p there you go, and if somebody did 1080p you have it to.

But using YT for DT right now is a best option :D

Right now, it just marks the 720p and the source as the same file just so there it's consistent with other videos. At the moment and probably well into the future, even if a video is uploaded in 1080p it only grabs the 720p as source. It is my current belief that with the current state DTube and for a while to come that 1080p is literally just wasting storage and bandwidth. 720p is 'good enough' for a rising platform. I know people love the idea of upload amazing 100 Mbps bitrate 4K videos to DTube but is it really worth it??? DTube doesn't have 50 exabytes of storage lying around like YouTube does!

Oh so I understand. I can still do 1080p vids, and put them to YT, and then DTube will gain from YT my vid without lost of too many storge :D

That is pretty unfortunate to hear: 1080p is the standard of today, and so is 60 FPS support. If the importer is limited to 720p only, I find that a huge limitation. Will your project be open-sourced at any point, so that others can use their own forks and work around this issue? If not I guess I'll have to import my videos manually.

Congrats, you made the #steemitminute for today!

Click the Image Below to see the Video!

I can't wait for this to be finished ... I will jump on board fast! Thanks for making this amazing tool for your fellow Steemians!

Wonderful tool, thank you so much! I'm prolly going to import parts of my channel directly from #Youtube in that case. Cheers to DTube and its users: You guys are being amazing ❤️

I only have two questions: Will it import 1080p @ 60fps videos at the same resolution and FPS? Also will it keep the upload date... so if the Youtube video was originally uploaded on say 04 May 2016, the DTube one will also have this date even if I'm porting it on 28 April 2018?

Awesome! This can't come soon enough. The DTube uploader continues to be problematic

@kingfredrickvi I just finished rendering a really high value Introducing myself video for DTube. I spent a ton of time on it. Is there any chance I can use your importer early?


I would be interested to become an alpha tester since it takes me 1 hour to upload a 500MB video with my connection.