Well broccoli is tasty, and whatever is nomming on it probably doesn't know or care that you want to eat it XD Did you find a way to protect the broccoli? Was that in the video? Because I'm scurrying about headless chicken style a bit much to be sitting and watching (which is terrible of me considering I just posted a 13min timelapse...which actually took an embarrassingly long time and not just because I was waiting for it to upload and process).
You should be in love with flowers. Flowers are awesome. They're intricate and pretty and have odd numbers of petals.
Yay for new paint! One way to find out if they'll work with the acrylics ;D Have fun with them whatever you end up doing :)

Good Morning Ry!
Lol yeh it's in the video. 13 minute time lapse you say... Im gonna go check it out. Do you have nbn? I dont, and my upload time is ridiculous.
Lol and I didnt know that about the petals! Still in bed atm, but I'll be getting my morning flower fix soon and gonna see how my diy cage went last night. Then defo painting.
I'm still trying to tap the dtube upvote and they seem to only upvote pour videos.