My frustrating experience on steemit (I was warned about this phase)

in #onequality7 years ago (edited)


Created this steemit account less than a week ago, on entrance, I did my intro, I was warmly welcomed… infact more than warmly, I was celebrated, it felt ecstatic. (I felt like lil wayne in 2011)


The first few posts flowed in with eagerness, it was no work, I’ll write, take my time, reread and tweak, nice tags, use of language, could do a 2hour picture mining. ‘All is well that ends well’ I said (considering how much time I started investing in steemit)

I read through peoples posts, I practically stalked some people @kushed @berniesanders @rainman amongst a few others, I felt pumped up, ready to unleash (that kind of feeling after your 2nd week at boxing) by and by I ride and ride.

Then suddenly my eyes opened, fine, I was having the fun…..but not the money, what!!! 2 dollars for 4hours work?? ‘Nigga wah’!?. Alright, I’ll show this people on my next post- who I am and what I’m worth, I deserve more, I’m original (ingenuity resides in my DNA), I’m fun to read, I’m …. (the rant goes on)

My next post was written revised and ready, I pumped in all I believe I had, then posted. I decided not to jinx it by cheking up every now and then, so I went out, visited my girlfriend-to-be talked to her about crypto like I invented it, laugh and food ended the meet.

Came back home, eager to see what my post had garnered, I was surprised, (not with a smile, with a ghostface) 0.08. I was gonna cry, but then I’m a real nigga. I directed my frustration at @Fisteganos my block captain (since he and others got me in in the first place). He reminded me that I’ve been told ‘this phase would come’


So basically all you have read through is just me trying to say for once in my life, I won’t give up. I’ll stay, I’ll play the game, I’ll have fun along the way, and guess what, I’ll be a whale

#alliswellthatendswell #steemitrocks

If you are content with my content, kindly follow upvote and resteem

Visit my blog on @ericdyce . Your comments are always cherished, just say something
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you have to play the game.
to get must have followers..
to get must post..
intro posts are different...people look at them just to see who the new folks are.
they pay a lot, the most even..for newbies...
after're on your own..

I noticed that too. I see you are a great player (checked your profile). What do I do to get you to be my coach

just keep on trucking some more...and comment..get into conversations..
you have a distinct advantage...steem is worth a buck..
for the majority of the time I've been on's been worth less than a dime.. have a monetary advantage..
Establish a brand...
...keep them doggies moving..

You've got strong motivational skills, I'll make you proud much sooner than you expect. Watchout for me

I think we need to read how @steemit works and play by the rule.

Err, I don't think they state the real 'game' rules there. What do you think

I know this feeling too! I transferred a bunch of my favorite writing to this platform on day one. Deep down, I knew I should probably spread it out, like one post per day. But I did it anyway.

Then I spent a whole week on a post I knew would be helpful to a lot of people, and $3 to promote it. It can be disheartening to spend hours on a post, then see it's valued at a few cents.

My approach is don't post unless I have something to say. Don't say it unless I'd say it for free. Don't base my work's value on that little number on the screen. Don't expect to gain a large following in a few weeks. Don't expect everyone to immediately recognize the quality of my writing. Don't assume my work is all undervalued, because it can always get better.

When I don't have anything to post, read other people's interesting posts. If I liked the post, I upvote it. If I want to follow the author, I just follow. If I want them to follow me (or I have something to say), I leave a thoughtful comment to give them a taste of how I write. I never explicitly ask for upvotes or follows, but that's just me.

Time is the fuel. Patience is the seat belt. Just keep moving forward and you'll be there before you know it.

Hmmmm.....deep, guess i'll follow you then. thanks a lot

Most of the whales here were minnows too. You'll get there!

Thanks man, The journey just seems so distant.

The first tag is important. Maybe use the list of trending topics? You need to make at least 1000 friends and followers as well. Seems distant but time flies by anyway. #MinnowsUnite ! 😊

I really appreciate this, Henceforth I will be first-tag-conscious. #minnowsunite , but with over 200 followers, do you still qualify as a minnow

Yes I do. I'm not sure what the definition is for dolphins or whales. Do they have sharks? I would like to be a great white shark lol

looool.... roger that

I don't think you're doing the hastag topics right. Try more popular ones. The most trafficked ones are listed on the right side of some screens. The use of #ericdyce is particularly glaring. Who would talk about that topic?

Okay, i'll try using those henceforth. The #ericdyce is just me being proud in advance , so when I become a whale (or bigger) people can find my posts by using the hashtag

Goodluck with becoming a whale my friend.

My G.... thanks man, wish you the same

@everittdmickey is right. We are in the same shoes @ericdyce. It's a phase, yet one must make the right connections and keep on posting good content.

Thanks man, we both gon' survive this phase

Yes rewards will be up and down...sometimes even the dreaded zero. Don't give up, the main thing is to enjoy being on Steemit don't worry about rewards, just be in the community. If you need a break from posting, try commenting more, and voting. Good luck to you.

thanks, much appreciated

Remember that we are based not on the dollar but crypto and our quality of work too...