OpenCart Back in Stock Notification extension by Knowband

As an owner of the OpenCart store, sometimes it might trouble you how to send updates to the customers about any product’s restocking. There would be many customers shopping from your store. It will be a complex task to send updates to every customer about their desired products in stock news.

Here the OpenCart back-in-stock notification module by Knowband works as a savior. The OpenCart back-in-stock notification module by Knowband enables vendors to send notification alerts to the customers about their desired product’s restocking. When customers visit the store site and search for any product, they find it is currently out of stock. So, with the help of the OpenCart product alert module, they can easily subscribe to that product by providing their email ID in the notification box present over there.

This will help store owners to easily send notification alerts to the subscribers about their subscribed product’s back-in-stock updates. Store owners can also allow customers to customize their subscription lists. They can check which products they want to receive notification updates and based on that they can add or remove multiple products.

The OpenCart stock alert extension also allows store owners to list all the subscribers' email ID details to Mailchimp, Klaviyo, and Sendinblue for email marketing activities.

Key features and Characteristics

1 - The OpenCart back-in-stock notification module sends notification alerts over email to customers about their desired product’s restocking.

2 - The store owner can easily customize this module from the backend interface.

3 - The OpenCart product stock notification extension enables owners to set the privacy policy to be shown on the frontend and also, owners can set the URL to the privacy policy text.

4 - Customers who discover that their favorite product is out of stock can subscribe to it by entering their email address in the notification box. They will receive an email notification when the specific product is back in stock.

5 - The OpenCart stock alert module enables owners to allow customers to view or add/remove multiple products from their subscription list.

6 - The store owners can download the subscribers' list in the CSV file format.

7 - With the help of the OpenCart product alert notification module, owners can also send low stock alert emails to the subscribers. Owners can set the quantity of the product after which a low stock left alert will be sent to the subscribers about their subscribed products.

8 - Store owners can view any customer’s subscription list. This will help them to analyze the high-demand products in their store by comparing different lists.

9 - The OpenCart product alert extension enables admins to integrate into the Mailchimp, Klaviyo, and Sendinblue email integrator for performing email marketing strategies.

10 - The OpenCart back-in-stock alert extension allows owners to remove any customer from the subscribers' list.

11 - Store owners can customize the look and feel of the notification box.

12 - Store owners can also customize the subject and template of the low stock alerts email in multiple languages.

13 - The OpenCart back-in-stock notification module provides multi-lingual and multi-store support.

14 - The OpenCart stock alert notification extension is mobile responsive, theme, and SSL compatible.

Benefits to customers and merchants

1 - With the help of the OpenCart back-in-stock notification, owners will be able to send low stock as well as in-stock alerts to the customers about their favorite products.

2 - Customers will be able to easily receive email updates about their desired out-of-stock products. They will also receive low stock left alerts of their subscribed products so that they can purchase them before they go out of stock.

3 - Store owners can view any customer’s subscription list and can allow customers to view their subscribed products list. Store owners can also allow customers to add or remove any product from their list.

4 - Owners can customize the email templates in multiple languages. Also, store owners using the OpenCart back-in-stock notification module can customize the notification block shown on the frontend.

5 - The OpenCart back-in-stock alert extension is cross-browser compatible and mobile responsive, providing customers with a pleasant user experience.

6 - Customers can view their subscribed products list from the ‘Out of Subscription’ tab.


The OpenCart back-in-stock extension by Knowband is a worth-added feature in the store. You can update customers about their shortlisted product’s restocking news and low stock alert news in an easy way. Knowband offers the OpenCart back-in-stock extension at a reasonable rate. You will also get the top-class support system of Knowband which will be there to assist you 24/7 if you face any trouble.

In case if you find any query feel free to contact us at [email protected]