OpenMic songwriters Challenge week 7 - The Right Place and/or The Right Time

in #openmic7 years ago

7 weeks, 7 original songs.....1 more to go until we reach the magic 8. The challenge continues to challenge but somehow the songs just keep on coming......It feels like an amazing achievement just to have got THIS far. And this was the first week when I couldn't fall back on my usual comfort zone of lyric I had to actually put some musical bits in! Which always feels odd for me....and in honesty it took a long time messing about with chord sequences to find something I was vaguely happy with. Im sure you can all understand......I just ran out of time! So here it is:

The right place and/or the right time
either one would do me fine
The right place and/or the right time
Someone please show me a sign

The right place and/or the right time
Either one would do me fine
Ive seen so many nightmares
Another one might send me blind

The right place and/or the right time
Either one would do me fine
Staring up at the night sky
Waiting for my stars to align

The right place at the right time
Wouldn't that just be devine
My life for just one moment
Too perfect to be mine

I hope you enjoyed that. I have absolutely loved being part of this challenge (as you might have guessed) and Im so thankful to all you steemies putting this together like emporers, judging like angels, creating like champions and supporting like little squeezy sponge-cake extravaganzas! I love you all :D <3 <3 <3

Be amazing at each other
And Ill see you all for the final week! (you all totally rock)



Basil, this is superb! I mean you took the literal phrase Right Place “and/or” Right Time and managed to weave it into your composition ever so gracefully and naturally. That accomplishment in and of itself was rather incredible from my perspective. I would have never thought it possible!

I also very much enjoyed the score you crafted to accompany your lyrics for this week’s theme. A goliath task it has been indeed – and we are so blessed to have had you as an integral part of this beautifully creative endeavor.

Yeah, week 8 is going to be amazing – and so are you along with the rest of those who have worked so hard and tirelessly throughout this challenge. I tip my hat with applause, gratitude, appreciation, and envy to each and every one of you!

And as well – yes indeed, after next week marks the end of this challenge, you may rest easy my friend but do not fret as their will likely be another challenge ahead in the not too distant future.

Great entry, Basil – I loved it! Thank you, man!

thankyou so much passion-ground, you have been an amazing support not just throughout this competition but from the second I stepped in to the open mic all those months ago. The love and work and written support that you have been putting in to the music community here on steemit is the perfect embodiment of why I value this platform so highly. I am so proud to have been a part of this, and so excited to see it grow and hopefully affect peoples lives and creative journeys in the way that it has affected mine. Massive power to you my friend x basil

@basilmarples Love the character of your vocal, really clear and/or eclectic 👍 😎 I can see how in love you are with that piano, how it relaxes you and recharges you, I know the feeling, one of the best artist I've heard so far on Steemit, also my type of music, kinda even reminded me on Heather Woods Broderick which I respect so much, keep it up, good stuff mate...good stuff

wow thankyou so much Ivan. This is high praise! The piano is definitely a source of refuge from the relative insanity of life sometimes.....especially as I always found string instruments a bit unnatural for me. Its a great joy just to be able to play anything at all really, and to be able to craft a song out of the strange things in ones, words, ideas.....its all got to come out somehow and Ive always found the piano to be comfortable ground. Thankyou so much for coming and checking it out dude :) x

Love you brother... honestly, I felt that the music transported a lot of the message... i think you did a fantastic entry here my friend...

Honestly Basil, i feel like I'm the lucky one here... I've enjoyed your entries so much and Soul sucking Thieves became my jam bro.. it became my jam for real..

Thank you for being you, thank you for taking on this challenge... 2018 is our year brother!!

much love

STEEM'18!!! The future is OURS!! Thankyou so much Meno. Your love and support has been invaluable over the last few months as well (pretty much DITTO what I just wrote to passion-ground!) You are a hero and are one of the very special people who has made joining steemit one of the best decisions I have ever made! Seriously. and Im SO glad you like 'soul sucking thieves' HAHA, Its probably my favourite song that Ive written during this challenge.....Massive love dude :) x basil

I think you know that we all love you and your talent, whether you are doing something funny or serious. I must admit I envy your piano playing...I always wanted to play piano from a young age but never learned.
See you soon for the Grand Finale!
Much love

ahh thanks trubro :D its nice to be appreciated x
I was lucky to have a few piano lessons when I was younger but I reacted badly to the conventional grading method and never took my first test...I quit after that which was a shame because it would have been handy to have learned more technique. But after that we always had an old beaten up piano in my family home and was always messing about on it....usually writing stupid songs.....but it gave me that little bit of practise as I was growing up so my fingers have always known a little bit about how to move. I am so glad for that, because since then I tried to learn the guitar and I just had no patience for the learning curve, so I count myself very lucky that I learned some piano while I was young, otherwise I would probably have never done it!

Beautifully written and played, haunting and a little dark... I love it. The music carries the vocals perfectly, don't know that you need much more lyrically. Not that you asked for my opinion! Lolo I hope it's ok that I gave it. Really good stuff Basil.

Resteemed and following :)

thankyou bennett! your constructive opinion is much appreciated :) Im really glad you liked it x

A different Basil this week all dark meaningful and contemplating. Just shows how versatile your songwriting is. I like both sides and yes it was a struggle this week but we're almost there. See you at the finish line!

thanks Geena :) i definitely find it less stressful to perform silly songs, but this challenge has pushed me to write whatever comes up and its been a real pleasure to share that side of me with such a gracious, supportive and loving bunch of people! Thanks for all your appreciation x

Haha yes my man. I actually like that you took the theme literal and used the duality of it. Pretty smart in my eyes.

It's pretty doom and gloom which was a nice change to hear form you (I hope you're okay lol).

The piano was also an interesting focus to grasp onto. Those little instrumental segues were keeping my attention nicely, felt like an extension of the doom and gloom expressed in a more intimate way.

BTW, u say it's over next week... is it... mwhahahaha I'm pretty sure it's going to run it again lol.

dont worry JB Im totally fine! I think that even though I started by wanting to make a joke out of the and/or theme, that next line (either one would do me fine) seemed to ensure that the subject matter was melancholic.... and then I find, once I start jamming with a subject, I get quite in to it (although like I said I did struggle for lyrics a bit, and perhaps that was because Im not actually having the existential crisis that the song suggests!) Glad you enjoyed it though bro :)
And yeah....Im sure this competition will run again as its been so successful......but MAN I hope they give us a bit of a break first! Also, meno and pechiche have been suggesting taking some of the songs further and doing some collaborative studio work which would be kind of cool....I think a lot of people probably feel that some of their songs are actually worth exploring a bit further and it would be nice to follow some of that up, instead of always discarding half written songs to move on to the next one.

hello basil

what a beautiful piano playing! my father was a pianoplayer also so you just brought me back to fine memories

i am really impressed by the poetry that one find in your lyrics
simple but efficient and so true

the conclusion.... "My life for just one moment/Too perfect to be mine" amazing

thankyou so much, im happy I brought you some fine memories of your dad! Really glad you liked the song was difficult for me to write, normally I find a lot more lyrics but this had to be a lot simpler than my usual poems, so Im really pleased that you enjoyed it :) Sometimes this challenge pushes us out of our comfort zones and its lovely to receive positive feedback and appreciation! It is definitely helping me to build my confidence x peace and love to you x basil

Happy seeing your chuckle right at the beginning, and so funny you included the "and/or" in there. lol. Love it. Love you. And your words in the end of the vid feel heartfelt and resonant to me too. Echoing you:

I've laughed and I've cried and I've wondered at the incredible creativity.

totally. massive love right back at you cabe :) Its been an amazing ride! And theres SO much more to come from our time on this platform! I have to stop the excitement from consuming me entirely sometimes....!

You're good on those keys my man.


thanks luzy ;)