in #openmic7 years ago


OMG! I wrote a song!

Yes... it was my first one ever. Like... ever, ever. Unless you count the sweet sweet stylin's of seven-year-old me when first learning piano... but there's no proof of those masterpieces...

So, for all intents and purposes, this is it: My first song.

Just below you'll find the lyrics. ENJOY!

I've never written a song
I'm not quite sure where to start
People say write what you feel
It will come from the heart

So today I feel worried
but not without hope
They're infringing on free speech
How can I cope?

I agree that companies have a right to decide
But monopolies have taken over
And the people they divide

******CHORUS 1********

I never thought I could lose you
I'll fight for you, Red, white & blue

It's hard to see those, just like me and you
Taking our rights, without a clue

******CHORUS 1********

I never thought I could lose you
I'll fight for you, Red, white & blue

First Milo was banned from Twitterland
Now Alex Jones is gone from a few
Youtube, Facebook and Twitter more resemble a shitter
But keep listening! I've got good news!

******CHORUS 2********

No one can sensor you there!
Post, Make friends and Share

Have you heard the word "decentralized"?
This is the key to success
Together we share and monetize
our freedoms to World Wide access

******CHORUS 2********

No one can sensor you there!
Post, Make friends and Share

In final reprise
I beg on my knees
For you always to search for what's true
If something is banned
Who says so, 'the man'?
What secrets they keeping from you?

******CHORUS 1********

I never thought I could lose you
I'll fight for you, Red, white & blue

So there's my first song
My feelings came out
Don't give up hope-
From the rooftops I'll shout---

******CHORUS 2********

No one can sensor you there!
Post, Make friends and Share


This masterpiece was an entry into the world famous STEEMIT OPEN MIC CONTEST WEEK 100.
Did you just LOVE it? If yes, feel free to pop over to that post (the one I just linked), find my comment and give it that sexy updoot love! 😍 Thank you!

rainbow motion.gif

That's all folks pink.gif

rainbow motion.gif

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Click the image!

If you find yourself needing help or just have a question or two, find me on Discord.😀

All images were created/taken by me, or from Bitmoji.com. Make your own today!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

Hugs & Kisses 💋carrie signature.gif

thealliance we got this trans.png

carrieallen signature 3.png

Proud to be a.png


I love your song. I'm sharing it to others. I hope more people see your creativity. You're good at this. Very appealing. Good voice. Fun to listen to. So much truth in what you say. Beautiful too.

Thank you! I was so nervous to share, but glad I did.
You are welcome to share anywhere. 😍😍😍

So lovely!! And so much truth! I bet this will become Steemit's national anthem and this song will moon together with STEEM :-) <3

Haha I can imagine a crowd singing the second chorus

Yup. That second chorus was made so it would be easy to remember and sing along with. I kept lowering the notes so it would feel more comfortable to the average person. LOL!

Not that I'm a musician or a writer or anything... Just trying to make it accessible... for the 10s of people who will hear it. 😆

I have a vision, ignite a few friends to sing it on steemfest lol, sure people eould join in that vhorus. You are cute and funny, and the song too, you are always a natural in front of the camera 🐀🐀🐀

Awe, shucks! Thanks so much!

I also think it could become a theme song. 😉

Wweeeeeeeee... I remember the beginnings of the song and how it has become a big baby on its own. I could recall the chorus haha so catchy...
Now I have to tell you you remind me to Kermit the Frog here haga noooo wait, notbmeaning you look ike a green frog lol, you look so cute, love your faces from the awkward slow beginning to the full smileat the end, this is both singing and acting a song, but it reminded me to the candid muppet songs, and yes it is a compliment. Looooove
Oh and luck

Oh! I love you too!
And thank you. I do try to be entertaining... it covers up the mediocre-ness of things. I find that no matter how bad someone may be at something if they are enjoying themselves... so am I. 😍

So... I transfer that to muhself. If I'm having fun- I bet you are too.

I did 🐀 ♥️ loo. Luuuuv


And it's okay if you did fart, it just adds character to the song...😉

Bwhahahaha! It's true. And I totally own it... but I was SO confused when I heard the sound, but then figured it out. I just didn't want to try to record again. I prefer to be a one-take-pony. 🐴

Thunderous applause!

Yesss!!!!! I amso proud of you, Carrie girl! You did such a wonderful job! Now again all day in my head will be "Post. Make friends. And share!" I love it so much!

I hope this is just the first of many many more songs and open mic entries we all get to hear from you!

Lots and lots of love to you!!!! Yay!!!

Serena! REESNA!

Thank you. Sincerely. I hope to give it a go again in the future... but it may take another 36 hours of no internet for me to sit down without distractions and write. Plus, until that day, I'd never even had the hankering to write... I'm guessing based on my generally happy nature. But finding angst in losing muh free speech wasn't too hard . 😉

Thank you for watching and ... liking it. LOL! You're the best. 😍

I loved that "Free Speech" song from the first time I heard you Sing it @carrieallen ! Best of luck to you in Open Mic 100 WOW! Although you shouldnt need it, this is an obvious winner to me! upped and resteemed!😄🎤🎸🎤🎸🎤🎸🎤

Thank you so much! The first time was... rough. LOL! But I'm glad I decided to make a little better rendition.

And obviously, I'm a winner... until you see the actual musicians who work their little butts off also entered... Then, I'm just proud I did it at all. #babysteps

Thanks for being so supportive! 😍

Haha,I'm very proud of you Too,Great job,you will be running before you know it!🤣👍👌💕

Posted using Partiko Android

hey karen nice to see you here, my emoticon mama from way back! hope all is well and kickin! xo

All is good thank you 😊👌

Posted using Partiko Android

yay you make it work!!!

Yay! I did it! LOL!

It's always so scary... But then I just do it. 😎

Yes you gonna famous ! its amazing! @carrieallen !

You are correct. Imma be famous.

Thank you! 😍

very niceeeee..keep going..

Thank you so much!

Feedback says I should keep going... and can only hope it's not an "American Idol" auditions episode sort of situation... LOL!

Side note: Like how to people who are supa bad even GET to those auditions? Have they NO honest friends who wish to protect them? Even a little? It's so weird to me.

Yer not doing that are you? Pretending I'm 'okay', only to have me embarrass myself? LOL!

I kid... and dang... I went off on a tangent there.

Thanks for listening. LOL!

Just curious what do you think about Milo ? since you mentioned him in your song...

Mostly, I love him. 😍

He's hilarious. Speaks his mind. And doesn't back down (even when the going gets tough).

And generally, I agree with him. Not always... but who do you always agree with? I can't even say I always agree with muhself. LOL!

Sure , noone can agree with anyone 100%..

If you don't mind sharing, what are some of the main things you find yourself agreeing with Milo ?