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RE: Giveaway 2 - Santa Meno is coming to town bearing gifts for Steemian Musicians

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time, I saw the Uke master known as Pockets on YouTube. That was the day I decided that I was done playing Guitar Hero and I would learn to play the ukulele. There were a few problems like the fact that I don't have a ukulele, but I won't let that stop me from my dreams. From that point forward I decided to become the best air-ukulele player in the world. After seeing this contest though, I dream that maybe I could be something more than a humble air-ukulele player. Maybe one day, I could take on Pockets in an epic ukulele showdown of epic proportions. I have a dream to learn to play the ukulele on steemit and share this journey with all of you fantastic musicians. I think steemit is already allowing different channels for monetizing and content sharing of all types and it's a great way to meet new people to collaborate with. Perhaps next year I can play the ukulele in the Christmas Collaboration. Ahhhh, the dream.