🎶 Open Mic Week 86 - My Top 5 Judges Selection 🎶

in #openmic6 years ago

Well this week was hard core people, seriously you had me jumping all over the place - not sure my list has ever moved around quiet so much, but with such stiff competition it really ups the work on the judges.

What do you do when a massive number of songs could make the cut, well you scrutinise and analyse and figure out anyway to find an advantage of one entry above another.

Needless to say that is an epic ask on a good week and in my opinion this week was epic! You guys just really keep on stepping things up, it's amazing to see how far things have come - and I must say I'm a little curious where they will go, especially if they continue like this!

You guys never cease to amaze me, we are so fortunate to have such gifted entrants joining us each week - the talent we have showing up is just astounding and I look forward to hearing you guys each and every week!

Oh before we get to business, if you haven't already - you should join the new Open Mic Discord server, there are over 100 of us in there so far - so that means we have a fair few yet to join us and it really is going to be, an amazing resource for all musicians as it grows.

We have a heap of rooms ready for you to dive on in and interact with other members of the Open Mic community, maybe even a judge or two ;) - this is also a great place to get up to date news on Open Mic, we have rooms dedicated to keeping all of you informed and up to date with what's going on.

But without further delays, here is my Open Mic judges top 5 selection for this week.

This week's top 5:

1st Place - @dianakyv - Libre

There isn't a single element of this entry that I can fault, this is the epitome of perfection - the playing is just divine, adding depth and an amazing base for the vocals to shine.

Seriously people you need to listen to this performance, when I say let the vocals shine - these words do not do justice for the brilliance of her voice and all it is capable of.

I was just blown away listening to this the first time, you had me hooked and I have lost count of the times I have listened to this entry - and every single time I want to hear it again, not sure I can grow tired of something so spectacular!

Spectacular is how I would refer to your vocal abilities, I am just sitting here watching you sing your heart out and it melts my heart every time - not to mention the power behind those amazing vocals, just breathtaking in every way possible.

This was just so stunning on so many levels, so I wanna break it down to make sure I don't miss anything...

The guitar is just the most brilliant accompaniment for this entry, the playing does not overpower or drown out the vocals - instead it highlights it and creates moments of utter perfection with the combination of tones.

Soft and gentle moment of playing, that's what first caught my attention with this entry - the clarity of sound you created just had me hooked.

Then the vocals come in and I was stuck here gobsmacked, the vocals are clear and so pristine it is hard to find the words to encapsulate this experience - but the way in which you used your voice was truly phenomenal, it was the absolute highlight for this week for me.

Maybe it's because I too am a vocalist, but I want everyone reading this to listen to this song and just try to sing along with the melody - it is an extremely demanding display of vocal prowess and ability, I am really excited to see what else you can do with that amazing instrument!

It's not only the demanding nature of the song you chose, it's the way in which you executed this performance - the breath work is extreme to say the least, you are holding some intensely crazy long notes and you do this with such grace and expertise it is hard to express the skill required to pull it off.

So now's time to focus on that control and range I keep mentioning, your control is truly next level - I cannot stress this enough and the way you use that control to master your epic vocal range, it's just stunning in every sense of the word!

I am fast becoming a massive fan of your entries, this was epic in every way - I cannot wait to hear more and truly hope you keep joining us, a voice like that deserves to be heard!

2nd Place - @lucybanks - I'm Like a Bird

Oh Lucy you just melted my heart like it was nothing, just a stunning entry this week - I couldn't go past it and in fact got stuck on it for some time!

This was just perfection in every way, your playing was great - but as always for me at least it's your vocals that draw me in and get me hooked.

Wow hun you really stole this song and made it your own, I like this song but the way in which you performed it took it to new places and I just ate it up - I love hearing a song I know reworked and made even better.

I have always loved your phenomenal vocals, they never needed to be glossed up - you always had this amazing tone with a haunting quality to them, you captured my attention from your first entries here.

I will always prefer the raw unedited entries in Open Mic, it gives you the real feel for a performer and their music with no frills attached - when music is so over produced it can start to lack what I want to hear in music and that is connection, a connection with the performer.

With this entry I feel the emotion pouring through you, the lyrics and the melody were just taken to new places - you made the song transcend to levels, not to mention the epic brilliance of your voice!

But hey this is me so I will talk about your epic voice some more, you really have this unique and amazing tonal quality - it's what first drew me towards your entries, but the way in which you displayed it in this entry was just complete and utter perfection.

The range you displayed was amazing, the power you showed you wield was just stunning - and the way in which you hit those breathtaking highs was bliss, you really just smashed this entry.

I didn't think you could wow me more or impress me anymore, but I just thought this was kick ass in every way possible - I love hearing that power in your vocals, it creates an inspiring feel and makes this brilliant performance even more epic.

I hope you stick with us and never let the opinions of a few keep you from what you do as an artist, this is your life, your craft and your choice - if people don't like it tell em to bugger off, cause I know there are plenty that love your music no matter how you chose to present it!

3rd Place - @paintingangels - Fly

You went and did it again lovely, what an epic performance and song hun - you just mange to capture emotions perfectly, it really is a stunning entry I just couldn't get past it.

It's not only the stunning vocals which I will go into soon, but the playing sets the mood up - you have a way to capture melancholy with expert precision and execution, it really is breathtaking to behold!

The guitar is beautiful accompaniment throughout the song, the simple slow strums just fill the back - but your voice is always the brilliant focus and rightly so.

Your vocals are just so emotive, not only the lyrics - but the melody you create around the lyrics, just takes your music to whole new levels.

The control you display in this performance was just epic hun, the vibrato, the high notes, the control you display, the effects you create - just fucking brilliant lovely, this was just so amazing I can't put it in words.

I have so fallen in love with your music and your stunning creations that you've shared, we are so lucky to have you with us - and whilst it was based on a "rough month" unfortunately, I am thrilled to hear you are writing new music again!

I hope to hear many more entries and hopefully even some more new songs for you, it's so awesome to see and hear people getting back into aspects of music - it's like they re-find a part of themselves and I hope this was that for you, because it was epic for us to hear.

4th Place - @lillywilton - Bacchanal

Oh hell yes hun, you did it again - by that I mean absolutely kick ass in every way imaginable of course!

I don't think there is anything of your's I haven't just fallen madly in love with instantly, it's been such an honour and privilege to share in your music - I'm hooked plain and simple, but with music like this can anyone really blame me?

This was yet another amazing display of what one can do with a guitar, some good lyrics and a brilliant voice - you really just left me no choice again, I had to include you because music like this needs to be heard.

You just write some seriously kick ass lyrics lovely, I particularly loved the "I've grown accustomed to the taste of night." - this is so familiar and brilliant and poetic, all I want in a good lyric.

On top of your brilliant lyrics are the bones of your performances, your playing is always spot on - crafted to perfection to highlight the song and vocals when needed.

Then we have your stunning vocals which are just divine, seriously you have tremendous clarity in your voice - your control is precise perfection and your range is held in, only to be used at moments to accentuate and further highlight crucial elements.

This was just brilliant hun and I ate it up with pleasure, I am so thrilled to see and hear of all these collabs you have in the works - I truly look forward to hearing them and more from you in general!

5th Place - @andreabortone - WE WORTH IT

Oh lovely this was just a stunning entry and performance, not to mention composition to boot - you really captured the essence you were striving for here.

I really enjoyed this entry so much, your arrangement just works so well - I really loved the dual guitar composition and the percussion just completes the song perfectly.

But it is all brought to it's knees by your stunning and masterfully controlled vocals, you really have a phenomenal voice hun - I am blown away by the range you display and the way in which you chose to present them.

It was an amazing first song in another language, I am blown away by it to be honest - I am so impressed with people that can not only create amazing music, but then up things even further by doing it in a non dominate language.

You really smashed this one out of the park, I was just drawn in and compelled to keep watching - I am so curious to see what else you have hidden up your sleeve, this was just brilliant!

I am so stoked you found us and that you continue to share a part of yourself with us each week, you have some serious skills - I look forward to seeing the rest of your talents in the near future <3

Honourable Mentions:

@breakoutthecrazy - Be There

Wow guys this is just an amazing song, I have quickly become a massive fan of your work - not to mention your brilliant performances, you are both just so talented.

It's such a great privilege to have you both with us, sharing a part of your lives with us each week - it's just been epic so far, I really look forward to seeing what you share next time!

@raqquel - I want to hold your hand

This was such an epic entry, I loved every single second of it - I only wish I had more places to give out, it's entries like your's that make this job so difficult at times.

We are so lucky to have you joining us, you have a truly stunning vocal ability - your range, control and power are just divine, I really hope to keep hearing more from you soon :D

@dannyhamilton - Barroom Blues

Wow guys, just wow - this was such an epic and awesome entry, I kept moving you round my list I just couldn't ignore this brilliant entry!

In the end I just don't have enough places to offer all the awesome, but I wanted to take this opportunity to say just how truly brilliant this entry was - I hope to see a lot more like it in the future!

@kjablonski - All I Want

Oh lovely you have such a phenomenal voice, your control range and the way you use it is just perfection - I have missed hearing the intense quality of your music, so thrilled to have you back.

I just love the way you perform for us, your song choice is always spot on and your renditions are incredible - I hope to keep seeing you about, it's always a pleasure to share in your music <3

@honeymoon-1611 - Don't you remember

Well lovely firstly congratulations on your graduation! As things go it's a pretty good excuse, were just happy to have you back with us - even if it isn't every week, just knowing your round is nice :D

Secondly what a brilliant entry and performance, you are so right Adele is a truly phenomenal vocalist - and I think you absolutely did that rendition justice, it's not an easy one to pull off so congratulations for that as well!

@salvadorhr18 - Ensoñación

Well guys I simply had to write about this, what a stunning entry - you captured my attention and held it with absolute mastery!

This was for lack of a better word beautiful, just an absolutely breathtaking performance - that commanded attention and took me on a magical journey, I hope to see more from you both soon.

@camporr - Stand By Me

Wow hun you have such an incredible voice, your range, control and power is just amazing - it's always such a joy to have you with us, so it's great to see you here again!

You both do such an amazing job here, but I am just hooked on those stunning vocals - just lovely, hope to see more of you both in the future.

@jons0318 - Muevete

Well done guys, you two just keep capturing my attention lately - brilliant and intense performance, I really enjoyed it so much.

You both should be so proud of the amazing music your sharing with us, it has been such a pleasure having you join us - I hope to see more of this soon!

@joseacabrerav - Mi Historia entre tus dedos

Well Jose I think it just may be impossible for you to do something I don't enjoy hearing, you have such immense talent - I really see no limits for you with your music!

You're a truly gifted musician, you play brilliantly - but for me I just can't get past your kick ass vocals, your voice is like honey smooth and sweet... Just brilliant!

@pechichemena - Don't you worry about a thing

Pechi man you just continue to blow me away, seriously and you say your not a vocalist... Well pfft to that mate, you are and with that epic performance man there's no denying it!

Seriously some of the vocal gymnastics you pulled of in that entry were just stunningly breathtaking, you seriously blew me away - just amazingly wow man <3, keep it up I need to hear more of this please :D

@ceparl - Dueles

Firstly I'm so sorry to hear you friend had to leave, she has a truly incredible voice - with some next level control and range, I have really enjoyed these last few entries from you two.

But I must also mention your playing has been spot on, just a great listening experience - I really hope to keep seeing you join us, just a great entry thanks so much for sharing it with us <3

@itslobianco - PIRATAS DEL CARIBE

Hell yes! This is what I want to hear from solo instrumentalists, this is just such a brilliant entry - so full and just epic, the range and depth you captured with this performance kept me hooked and on the edge of my seat!

I have really been enjoying your entries of late, some stunning work on the piano there - and what a brilliant choice of song, but it really was just masterful execution that kept me coming back!

@darrenclaxton - Time

What can I say Darren your music is always so beautiful, your playing is just sublime and I really loved this song so much - tell me though I feel like I know this one, did you perform it on the Sounds of Steem? (I have the worst memory lol).

Just a great performance man, you really know how to capture the feel - your music is masterfully suited to your vocals, just a kick ass!

@melavie - Flume

OMG this was just divine perfection lovely, I just loved this performance so bloody much - the gentle playing is just perfect, but it's the vocals that steal the show!

Wow I love those haunting harmonies you guys came up with, just stunning ladies - an epic entry I cannot get enough of, @melavie you always steal my heart and I hope to see more of both of you in the future!

@drewley - From the Depths

Seriously your compositions are just breathtakingly stunning, you capture moments and the music is your canvas - this is just so amazing it's hard to find words to do it justice, but this was all I want and more!

I have been a big fan of your music for some time now, but it never ceases to amaze me how brilliant and talented you really are - you take my breath away and I cannot get enough, keep it up cause I need to hear more brilliance like this mate.

@mcmusic - You've got a friend in me

This was just such a fun and happy entry, you perform it with such genuine happiness it is conveyed so beautifully I just had to include your entry.

I really love your playing in this one, not to mention your vocals were spot on - just a great song choice and performance, keep it up :D

@granaddiction - Perfect

Guy's this was a beautiful performance, just shows people how to do a soft and gently song - with epic effect, I loved those moments of power mixed throughout.

The harmonies were just perfection and I couldn't get enough, I really enjoyed this performance - great song choice and execution, hope to see more from both of you soon!

@elliotjgardner - That's What Angels Can Do

Oh mate this was just brilliant, I listened to this so many times and just couldn't get enough of it - felt only right you join the honourable mentions.

I love your playing, it's always spot on - but it's your vocals that always hook me, you have made me a fan of your music since I first found you here on steemit and as always I still cannot wait to hear more!

Congratulations to all that made my (rather long) short list:

@lostgalaxy, @lenindrummer10, @meryland, @carljohn, @k0wsk1, @johannesburghart, @elcascriollo, @armoniritmia, @yoi, @yrmaleza, @arrozymangophoto, @chaifm, @roman.musica, @mariajruizb, @mupsikotico, @klynic, @nadabrahmasounds, @cellomusic91, @felixjfarfan, @claratymusic, @abelfernandez, @moccamonica, @duocover, @shookriya, @guerreroots, @mateang, @silentscreamer,

You all performed beautifully and made it through to the extremely tough call round, I want to thank you all for sharing your music and encourage you to keep at it - to make this list is a huge achievement in itself, we just have such a massive community of amazing talents...

But to all mentioned here, know that you were close in the running and we truly appreciate your amazing contributions and performances - you all stood out to the this week and deserve the acknowledgement and appreciation, much love and keep the tunes coming!

As I said what a brilliant week we had again this week, sure the payouts were lowered - but it was awesome to see and hear such amazing music in spite of a rewards drop, I just love this community.

It really is such an honour and privilege to be involved in this community, you guys are so amazingly talented it is not something I ever expected and I take it so seriously - because you guys deserve to be taken seriously, the sheer skill is breathtaking.

I'd like to see another Open Mic contest pull in performer like this, it's just not heard of - even when you look at the TV shows built around the idea, they have to fill the time with intentionally bad entrants and still the pool seems small comparatively!

I love this job (if you can call it that) and I hope you all enjoy being a part of the Open Mic family, you make each week an absolute pleasure and I hope to see you all with us next week.

I'd also like to remind everyone again that all top five nominations from this week, will feature in the Steemit Musicians live radio show on MSP-Waves next week.

A massive congratulations to all of those to be featured in the show, it is going to be great opportunity to get to further share the awesome entries we receive each week - I can't wait to hear the audience's feedback on our selections and your entries.

I hope you can all drop by and support those who made this week's lists, I'm sure they'd appreciate the support - not to mention if you join you get to help choose the weekly 20 SBD winning entry!

Please join us for Steemit Musicians this Sunday 12-1 UTC!

Time Zone Converter

You can listen live at the mspwaves website- http://mspwaves.com/home/listen
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You can join broadcast hosts in a special chat room on the MSP Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/kNxM7T6
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On the note of the community I thought I'd take a moment to mention that, over at the minnow support program on our discord chat room Peace Abundance and Liberty - the recently revitalised music room has been getting rather active lately.

As well as the recent burst of activity, we have also added a jukebox to the room - so now when you're chatting with people in the music room, you can choose and play music from youtube (this includes open mic entries, I may have already played a couple I really enjoyed).

So far I have seen a few open mic regulars hanging out and about on the PAL chat rooms, now we have a place where we can actively share music live with people were chatting with - this can help musicians in so many ways, not to mention it's just fun to hang out and chat over and about good tunes.

In addition to the new music room Peace Abundance and Liberty chat rooms have a lot to offer, you can access bots to vote on your posts, you can also meet and interact with over 5000 steemians in the channel - this can be a very useful resource to new steemians, but is also a fantastic place to meet and interact with like minded individuals on many different topics.

Again a big thanks to @soundlegion, @meno, @verbal-d and @passion-ground for all they do as judges, please remember to go and check out their top five selections each week and to @luzcypher and @pfunk thank you so much for making all of this possible - until next week.

Which was your favourite entry this week?

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or follow me on twitter @krystlehaines
Please consider voting @ausbitbank for witness here


I love that your top 5 this week really features the Open Mic women!
Such stellar choices!
Talent that makes me melt. Melt. Melt.
Blissful blessings and smiles
in joy

1000% true - there are so many badass female musicians here!!

@lillywilton you’re still my fave. Shh

Oh wao!! Thank you so soo much @krystle We are very happy to know that you enjoyed our participation<3 Your words fill our soul. Thank you!!

🎶 Open Mic Week 86 - My Top 5 Judges Selection 🎶 This post has been resteemed by the @resteemmuse!!!!!

thank you very much @kristle for such beautiful and moving words, I always do my best and sing with my heart, I always try to make sure everything goes well. to you my respects for this tremendous work

Beautiful! All beautiful! I do NOT know how you do your job with so many entries every week. Thank you for mentioning us! Big hug!

OMGG!! It's a pleasure to be here and read these beautiful words, I really value them a lot because people do not value instrumentals so much. So I liked seeing a different comment on this platform, regards!

Thank you so much for your love and support, Krystle ❤️These musicians are amazing and it's an honor to be featured here.

Thanks for those kind words.. and great list of performers!

Gracias por la mención querida @krystle.. Un abrazo!