open mic semana #95 un viaje largo (cover marcela gandara)
Ha sido largo el viaje pero al fin llegué
La luz llegó a mis ojos aunque lo dudé
Fueron muchos valles de inseguridad los que crucé
Fueron muchos días de tanto dudar, pero al fin llegué, llegué a entender
Que para esta hora he llegado
Para este tiempo nací, en sus propósitos eternos yo me vi
Para esta hora he llegado, aunque
Me ha costado creer, entre sus planes para hoy me encontré
Y nunca imaginé que dentro de su amor
Y dentro de sus planes me encontrara yo
Fueron muchas veces que la timidez, me lo impidió
Fueron muchos días de tanto dudar, pero al fin llegué, y llegue a entender
Ha sido largo el viaje pero al fin llegué
The light came to my eyes although I doubted it
There were many valleys of insecurity that I crossed
There were many days of so much doubt, but at last I arrived, I came to understand
That for this hour I have arrived
For this time I was born, in his eternal purposes I saw myself
By this time I have arrived, although
I had a hard time believing, among your plans for today I found
And I never imagined that within his love
And within your plans I will find myself
It was many times that shyness prevented me from
There were many days of so much doubt, but at last I arrived, and I came to understand
The trip has been long but at last I arrived