Steemit Open Mic Week 66 Winners - See Who Won Open Mic And Join Us This Week

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Thanks to everyone who entered and supported Open Mic Week 66. Community support for Open Mic has been tremendous and is one of many projects bringing the music community together on Steemit. Merry Christmas everyone!

Open Mic Winners From Week 66


Steemit Open Mic Rules

  • The cutoff date for entries is Friday
  • Only 1 entry per person per week
  • "Steemit Open Mic Week 66" must the beginning of the post title.
  • "Steemit Open Mic Week 66" must be said at the beginning of your video
  • Live performances only specifically made for this contest
  • openmic must be the first tag
  • Add a link to your post in the comments of the contest post.
  • You must upvote this post.
  • If your song is an original song then add the word "Original" somewhere in your title

Entries must follow these rules to earn prizes.

Thank you SO much @ausbitbank for creating the @openmic account and helping to get it funded with 20,000 Steem Power in under 24-hours! Awesome accomplishment that really helps us reward people who enter Open Mic.

A great big thanks to @xeldal who delegated over 20,000 Steem Power to my account in support of Steemit Open Mic. Great news for people entering the contest because now an upvote rewards you more.

A big shout out to @pfunk for sponsoring Steemit Open Mic and getting the word out with his post titled, Hey Did You Know There's A Weekly Steem Open Mic Contest --- by @pfunk

Vote For Pfunk For Witness And Keep Steemit Open Mic Growing Strong We Need Your Help Now --- by @luzcypher

I just want to remind everyone that votes are only part of the selection process. Entertainment value and performance is factored in too.

To learn more about the rules to entering the contest please read What Are The Rules To Enter Steemit Open Mic And Why Do We Have Rules Anyways

The coolest thing about Open Mic is it brings the Steemit community together and that is the whole point of this project.

@jessamynorchard started a new Facebook page for Steemit Musicians you can read about here or go straight to the page here. A lot of players from Steemit Open Mic are there. Thanks @jessamynorchard!

You can also meet up with us on Discord at The Steemit Local Musicians Society

Steemit Open Mic Judges


New Rule For Entering Steemit Open Mic And The Open Mic Songwriters Challenge --- by @luzcypher

Looking For Developers To Help Build A Dedicated Open Mic Website Built On The Steem Blockchain --- by @luzcypher

Steemit S Official Open Mic Judge Verbal D S Top 5 Entries For Week 66 Original Blog --- by @verbal-d

Official Open Mic Or Passion Ground S Top 5 Entries For Week 66 --- by @passion-ground

Openmic Week 66 Soundlegion Official Judges Picks Top 5 Honorable Mentions Top Picks List --- by @soundlegion

Open Mic Week 66 My Top 5 Judges Selection --- by @krystle

Special thanks to @jessamynorchard, @soundlegion, @krystle, @verbal-d, and @passion-ground for help judging the contest this week. Great job guys.

Steemit Open Mic is not about winning or losing, it's about building a connection on Steemit through music. Watching the collaboration happen online between musicians who played and met on Steemit Open Mic is very rewarding and many of the people who play and post earn some nice rewards for playing a song.

For many, it's easier to get some Steem in your tip jar by playing for Steemit Open Mic than it is to play music on the street.

Steemit Open Mic Trending Posts

Click here to see the current trending posts on Steemit Open Mic

Winners from Steemit Open Mic Week 66

It was so hard picking winners every week even with 5 judges.

Honorable mentions this week in no particular order are: @davidfar, @jetperalta, @mrherby, @jaredkhamanah, @yrmalexza, @the-vile-maxim, @edenmichelle, @shelbi, @pechichemena, @missweirdy, @thomhoglen, @malvarezmusic, @sazzler, @steembirds, @spaceballoon, @avesa, @thesimpson, @wilins, @klynic, @nirtsfaty, @dominiqueguitars, @luisferchav, @tarotbyfergus, @basilmarples, @jaybird, @bryandivisions, @bennettitalia, @armoniritmia, @olaivart, @denis.savisko3, @senzenfrenz, @owner99, @drewley, @smith-house, @dandelion, @herbyosama, @casvnova, @yourmercury, @juliolunar, @erizabesu, @beeflomein, @andrewmarkmusic, (OMG this list is getting long) @yonderarrietajr2, @adreini, @jennfer, @onetruebrother and many more. We Love You All!

Here are the new reward changes.


and the winners are...

1st Place

Steemit Open Mic Week 66 Original Song Forever By Kay Clarity --- by @kayclarity

"The lyrics in this original piece are incredibly beautiful and put together very well, with an undeniable voice that has such clarity ;) and grace and control. "go back to forever" sang just beautifully when forever stretches itself out on those vocal pipes. woo, just wonderful." - @soundlegion

Your composition is just perfect, the playing is one with the tune and together they paint an amazing audible tapestry of colour, depth and structure - I love that your songs are stand alone complete entities, with their own story behind them that made them what they are today. - @krystle

You are indeed quite the remarkable songstress. Your voice is silk smooth and your entries are often seamless with controlled emotion and sweet sounds. I really enjoy the runs you do when you (flutter) across a range of notes like a gentle butterfly and then you transition with an almost wailing, crying depth added into the tonality. This is truly a gem that needs praise and more ears tuning in. The profound reminiscent feel of your lyrics hit home and the heart, as they do succeed in providing nostalgia, encouraging words and memories of childhood. I have replayed it quite a few times and I appreciate you sharing another original entry with us all. Such creativity should be appreciated. - @verbal-d

Kay composed this gem with a yearning to celebrate youth, and to call back into that delightful fray, all of us who may have become jaded with the varied burdens of life that come with age. It’s a beautiful song, written by a beautifully talented artist. This song touched me rather personally, and for that, Kay captured my number two spot this week. - @passion-ground

2nd Place

Steemit Open Mic Week 66 Original Song The Mirror --- by @branhmusic

You are a talented songwriter as much as you are a genuine and skilled performer and guitarist. Without hesitation it is clear to see the amount of passion and emotion you pour into your music to express the inner facets of your soul. It is a joy to see you lay out all the details of your refined artwork for our listening ears. The way you lean and sway with the chord strums and the flowing of your vocals shows the importance of body language in music presentation as well as the intentional effort you display to convey the messages in your song. When you feel the music, you just go with it! Thanks for another amazing original entry. -- @verbal-d

@branhmusic is no stranger to Open-Mic! He's been missing in action for a while however, he suddenly showed up again this week and WOW! He really has a distinct signature style that is quite pleasing to the ear. He truly knows how to tell a great story with his melodic lyrics and guitar styling. I love this guy’s music! He’s a rather talented writer and performer and I hope to see more of him! I would love it if he got on board with the next Songwriters Challenge – now that would be awesome! - @passion-ground

"This is a beautifully written and performed original song from Brandon Hill. He has consistently impressed with his original material, not only as great singer but a mind blowing songwriter. I really love the meaning behind this tune, I found it very relatable and contemplative. A great chill with some expressive strumming and run vocal play that is so goosebumps worthy. " - @soundlegion

3rd Place

Steemit Open Mic Week 66 Every Song Is About You Original Song --- by @kendramoriah

"I am really a fan of @kendramoriah she write another fantastic original piece. Groovy, fun and full of attitude and the selling point for me is that incredible vocal, those high notes are hit so pure and clear, right up to this delicate end that is flawless. Incredibly catchy I will remember this song " - @soundlegion

Kendra is a newcomer to both Steemit and the Open-Mic venue. Just like I feel about @branhmusic, I sure would love to see Kendra jump head first into the next Songwriters Challenge! She clearly has been gifted with a plentiful dose of creative abilities, and I just love her style and delivery! The story she tells here is one that I’m sure is very familiar to us all. The back and forth internal battle’s we all endure and wrestle with as we try to move forward. Her verses are in stark contrast with the overriding choruses, which capture the distinct inability to let go, while the verses speak to the freedom and independence of once again being on one’s own. A beautiful composition and performance by any measure. - @passion-ground

Well I just absolutely loved everything about that entry, you have a stunning voice used to beautiful effect throughout this song - when I realised you wrote this as well, my instant thoughts were "well we have another serious contender". - @krystle

4th Place

Open Mic Week 66 Victoria Lucas And The Woods --- by @matiasfumagalli

@matiasfumagalli's "Victoria" By Lucas And The Woods Cover Song
I pick my winner's list by many categories and variables. And your entry right here was just amazing and I felt was a bit overlooked and underappreciated. You have such a nice quality to your voice and the best part is that you sing with passion and no fear. The overall presentation of this great cover choice was how you belted our your emotions and intentions through the music making it an instant connection with feeling. When you share such conviction with talent to play piano as grippingly well as you sing, it is hard to ignore. Thank you for this entry, I have never heard this song before but my only fear is if I listen to the original artist, maybe you sing it better than they do and it will disappoint me lol Either way, can't wait to see what you perform next.
- @verbal-d

You just absolutely nailed this entry into Open Mic, what a passionate and brilliant performance - your playing was just sublime and your vocals were spot on. - @krystle

5th Place

Steemit Open Mic Week 66 Original Feeling Bitter --- by @addiesworld

Addie is another of our most esteemed Open-Mic performers who’s been flying deep under the radar lately. She’s come back into view here this week though with a rather profound original composition entitled “Feeling Bitter.” If I were to venture a guess, I suspect that Addie is not referring to the bitter cold that many of us have been recently experiencing but rather that familiar bitterness that is associated with life’s general frustrations. If I were to go out on a limb and venture yet another guess, it would be that this rough and otherwise superb composition that she’s penned expressing such sentiments has done a great deal of good in sweetening the flavor of that which she, like many of us, struggle through on a day-to-day basis. She sure made things feel much sweeter and better for me after listening to this. - @passion-ground

"@addiesworld rocks this original song out in her rose colored glasses. Such a gorgeous vocal, great lyrics intensely strong delivery. Addie I am huge fan of your material you always come through and give us something really special. That chorus hits ya just right "come and tell me this, can I have a kiss, I need a dose of reality, so I dont learn to twist my perception" oooo great stuff girl" - @soundlegion

I love that you seem less burdened by sharing your amazing talents with us, I know how daunting putting your unpublished work out there can be - but girl whenever you get behind that guitar and start to sing, you never fail to take me on a magical musical adventure I never quite expected. - @krystle

Here's a screenshot of the prizes transferred to the winners this week.


Here are the performers this week

This week there was a record-breaking 201 entries to Steemit Open Mic! So many we had to make 2 posts to see them all. We reached the size limit of a Steemit post!

So here is the players for week 66 broken into 3 parts which we had to do this week because there were so many entries.

Steemit Open Mic Week 66 See Who Played Open Mic Part One --- by @luzcypher

Steemit Open Mic Week 66 See Who Played Open Mic Part Two --- by @luzcypher

Steemit Open Mic Week 66 See Who Played Open Mic Part 3 --- by @luzcypher

Congratulations guys! Thanks again to everyone that entered. Thank you @pfunk for sponsoring Open Mic with 320 Steem donation for each week! Very generous of you.

Vote And Enter Open Mic Week 67 by Following This Link


Steemit Open Mic Week 67 Record Your Performance And Win Steem Sponsored By Pfunk And Luzcypher --- by @luzcypher

Related Posts

New Rule For Entering Steemit Open Mic And The Open Mic Songwriters Challenge --- by @luzcypher

Steemit Musicians The New Msp Waves Radio Show Featuring Open Mic Entries And A 20 Sbd Prize --- by @krystle

What Are The Rules To Enter Steemit Open Mic And Why Do We Have Rules Anyways --- by @luzcypher

Behind The Scenes Look At The Steemit Open Mic Selection Process How We Pick The Top 3 Entries --- by @luzcypher

Support Steemit Open Mic

All bitcoin sent to this address will go towards rewarding musicians winning the Steemit Open Mic contest. Musicians need to eat too. You can help by sending BITCOIN ONLY to this address:






AAAAAHHH wow :) Thank thank you so much for the amazing honor of having my song up here. @luzcypher @soundlegion @krystle @verbal-d @pfunk @passion-ground @jessamynorchard You all have inspired me and put the biggest smile on my face. I cannot wait to share more of my music with you all and the awesome community here.

Congratulations and look forward to hearing more.

What!! Oh my gosh thaaaaank you so very much:) This has been such an amazing confidence booster for me to on conitnue my music. It’s hard to keep writing without a supportive community. Steemit is just what I’ve been looking for and need! Thanks again❤️

Congratulations! Your songs are getting better each time you write one and your performance feels intimate and authentic. Can't wait to hear more.

I feel the same way! Congrats! :)

Woow @luzcypher !
I do not know what to say. I am very excited. Thank you for making this contest, and let me participate. I promise more entries in the future!

I would like to give a better comment, but my English is not good, I'm sorry! :(

Thanks again!

Thanks for the great song. My friend here in Mexico was drinking Victoria when we listened to it. Congratulations and let's hear more soon.

jaja! Saludos hermano Mexicano! Soy un verdadero amante de su pais, su cultura, y sobre todo su comida! Matias desde Argentina.

Kay is the best ;)

Big, big smile! Means the world. xx!

Congrats to the winners! 🎉


Nice picks, @luzcpher! I think you misplaced my review for @addiesworld and instead posted an earlier tribute of mine to @pechichemena instead... Ha! I'm sure you'll fix that in short order... Thanks, man!

Fixed. Thanks

thank for sharing this informatin with us!! it was inspiring to hear the music and one i also like to be there in your list....@luzcypher

steemit openmic has provided something extraordinary. thank you.

How i can become a part of this series i want to join that team ?