Shove it up your Quora no. 2

in #opinion7 years ago

If the social and political views held by most liberal Quorans took hold in the United States, what form of government would it be?

I misread the original question but spent time writing an answer to the question of what life might be like if liberal views took hold in the United States. In answer to the question there would not be any change in government. Individual Americans, however, would be protected from predatory international corporations, continued expansion of equality and rights to minorities and other disadvantaged Americans; the focus would return to the average American. So for your entertainment I present the non-answer to the non-question:

Well its hard to say which liberal views actually gain consensus. Liberals hold a very diverse collection of views because we are really big on the whole free speech, education, and freedom of expression thing. But here are a couple ways your life might be changed:

You would wake up in the morning and get ready to go to work. Regardless of what you did for a living, if you worked you would make enough money to pay your rent and feed your family. If you woke up sick as a dog you would call your local clinic or doctor and if your symptoms indicated it was necessary they would schedule a time for you to come in and meet with a PA or nurse. The call wouldn’t cost you anything and if you went to the clinic you might pay a $10-$20 co-pay if you could afford it. Oh, and you wouldn’t need to prove you had health insurance and neither would your neighbors regardless of whether your neighbor is Bill Gates or a Jimmy John's delivery boy. The type of care you got would be the same as it is today; after all it's the same doctors, nurses, and hospitals that you had before healthcare reform.

If you didn’t have a job you would probably be eligible for the same sort of benefits that you have available to you today so that wouldn’t change that much, but there might be a nicer career center staffed by pleasant people that really want to help you get work. But you would no long have to suffer through soul crushing fear and anxiety that if you or someone in your family got ill you would not have insurance or that treatment would result in you going bankrupt. In fact you would never even use the term “insurance” in connection with healthcare because it would be a universal service equally accessible to everyone. Now as you are pulling into the parking you will see Audi A4s, BMW 325s, Volvos where there were once A8s, 760i, and Porsches. It will be a difficult transition for the doctors and hospital administrators.

When your kid comes home with his/her acceptance letter to the state university, you will rest assured that if your child maintains certain grades and works hard they will be able to get a college degree for a couple thousand dollars. You will sleep well at night realizing your child will not be an indentured servant to some ambiguous student loan company for the majority of their life.

After you get through your morning you might jump on to the Internet, which is Gigabit internet offered through fiber optic and which costs you somewhere around $20-$30 a month because after the Government infrastructure investment laid the fiber-optics all the service and content providers were given the same opportunity to sell you their ISP services and local monopolies were no longer able to set artificial prices. You will be absolutely frustrated though because when you log in to your social media you will still be forced to hear all those ideas and fake news because Liberals do not believe in censorship and reducing libel and laws that protect free speech like conservative want to see happen.

You will also remember what happened immediately after Trump’s FCC director eliminated net neutrality and Comcast started charging crazy rates to companies so that their content would not be throttled. It was scary because there were only a few major international corporations that could pay the ransoms being demanded by the ISPs and those small conservative think tanks and social commentators you enjoy reading were pushed out because they couldn’t deliver content in a way that wasn’t like using your old 56k dial up modem. You will also breath a sigh of relief knowing that all of your internet activity was not being monitored by some company that is not accountable to you. As for the government, not much will change there unfortunately. The NSA will still be vacuuming up all of our data, not even the liberals could put that one away. But on this day at least, you know when you want to go to that little conservative commentator blog you love, it will be there and will have been treated exactly the same as the liberal rag Huff Post, even though Huff Post could afford to pay more to highlight their content they just aren’t allowed to.

Now some companies like Facebook and Google may put monitors in place to make sure truly fake news from the Russian Confederation (which was formed after Putin rolled into Ukraine and Poland during Trump administration - you will chuckle when you reminisce that that guy was actually the president for 9 months…it was a crazy time you will chuckle).

Not a lot will change actually. You will still have to suffer through insufferable radical liberal college students trying to shout down the insufferable alt-right college students; each whining about needing safe spaces on campus. But your work environment will still be pretty much depend on the management. But if you are a woman, well then you can rest assured that when you and your male counterpart were hired you were both making the same amount of money for doing the same job. And with work: If your wife is pregnant, when the baby comes you and your wife will likely have at least 9 months of paid family leave between the two of you. So maybe your wife wants to spend two months at hoe with the baby while you work, you then get that third month to stay at home and learn how change a diaper and wifey goes to work. Or you agree that each of you will take half of the leave time to stay home, or you each decide to take whole thing at once get 1.5 month paid leave at the same time.

Yes you will have to learn to deal with weekly protest marches by wacko liberal celeb dejour causes and fascist racist right wing hater groups as their each freely march to promote their sill ideas. You may contemplate leaving the Republican party to join the newly formed Independents Party which is led by the intellectual leaders of what were the Dems and Reps who came together after the disastrous years of 2017 & 2018 and agreed to take the best ideas from each party and work very hard to tweak them and make sure everyone had a voice…blah, blah, blah.