Organize your life with the Konmari method

in #organize6 years ago


Correct the 7 errors (that you have been committing for years) to be more orderly.

#ERROR # 1:

Start ordering and leave it in half

If you really want to forget about clutter forever, you have to apply the method and do it all at once, in the shortest possible time.

Why? Well, because the shock is so great that from then on you will think twice about leaving something out of its place.


#ERROR # 2:

Sort by location, not by category

Marie Kondo proposes to do research work throughout your home and gather, in one place, EVERYTHING you have in that category. What will you allow? Something so basic how to realize the volume of things you have in that category. It is the only way to be able to see the things that you have repeated or that fulfill the same function.

Miscellaneous objects
Sentimental objects


#ERROR # 3:

Organize during periods of crisis

Many times you get to organize the day before an important date or when you are under pressure. Why does this happen? Because what our brain is really screaming for in those moments of crisis is to order ideas. And the only way, is that you find yourself surrounded by an environment in which you can think. The problem is when you are actually using the mess to avoid meeting yourself.


#ERROR # 4:

Let someone see you

Do not let anyone ever see you when you perform the order process, do not let anyone see the things you get rid of. Not only to avoid being made to feel guilty, but also to prevent the other person from accumulating one of those objects by feeling guilty that you are throwing it away.


#ERROR # 5:

Give something to someone to get rid of it

Understand the difference between giving something that the other person likes or needs (something for which he would pay money) and "forcing / manipulating / forcing" another person to accept that "gift". She recommends asking those people if there is something they need so that, in case that object appears in your order process, you give them that object that is really going to be useful or will make them happy.


#ERROR # 6:

Start saving, without having finished deleting

The KonMari Method is based on two basic steps:
Eliminate what does not make you happy
Save things

One of the mistakes that is often made is to paralyze the process of elimination to begin to think where you could save this or that. The result is that everything slows down and there is a risk of losing motivation and abandoning.


#ERROR # 7:

Focus on throwing things

You should not concentrate on eliminating things, but Stay ONLY with what makes you happy.
This approach changes everything. Not only when it comes to organizing your home but also when buying new things. there are objects whose function is simply to teach us to know what we do not like, what does not go well for us. In that case, that object has already fulfilled its function in our life. We should thank him and let him go.

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"Each object has a different role to play. The same happens with people. Not every person you meet in life will become your intimate friend or your lover. With some it will be hard for you to get along and others will never like you. "


If you have not read the book yet, I invite you to do so!