As technology advances globally every day, so as the tools for its technological development advances. As the world of cryptocurrency advances, so as the tools for it's development advances. As cryptocurrency advances in its global adoption, so there is need to Increase its workforce and technological inputs. As we all know crypto currencies are built on blockchain technology which are also integrated in applications and software tools which enables blockchain technology. Developers in the modern world of blockchain applications and software development, sees app development as a very tedious task, time consuming and very complex. Most organizations finds it difficult t embark on development automation because of its robust amount of work flow and technologies involved. They also find it difficult to adopt to challenging tasks in application development. Large organization runs and execute numerous tasks including development automation tasks which requires lots of time to complete. In order to get faster results they are compelled to invest huge capital to build the infrastructure which may slow down their core business value. Applications developers in the system of automation also faces challenges of delivery time, as these companies and developers will need to run multiple tasks all at the same time. This in turn increases pressure on their infrastructure. For organizations to do well in business of automation, there are crucial development automation matrix that need to be in place. In order to meet up with these matrix, most organizations run into scaling of DevOps which in turn affects the matrix. In order to relieve this organization from this time consuming and tedious task, a group of individuals came together as a team and developed Buddy
Buddy is a decentralized development automation platform built on blockchain technology which streamlines application development under an auto control and enables applications to be built on blockchain, thereby creating a decentralized DevOps marketplace and automation grid.
Buddy is a tool that allows users and developers to carry our their tasks very fast in order to prevent time consumption.
Buddy is a blockchain developer which takes care of tedious and complex tasks as regards blockchain application development.
Buddy allows developers to concentrate more on their core business values such as the delivery of products as well as designs and user interface, while maintaining and configuring their app.
In 2007, the team was established while developing a subversion hosting platform for web developers. From the experience and new technologies gained, led to the development of Buddy.
Buddy was established in 2015, with an intent goal of applying automation into the application development system, which will enable developers actualize their core business values. Buddy was later released in 2016 into the community, attracting several Giants in technology like Google, github, Microsoft etc

Before I go further, i will like to give some highlights and brief description of application development automation.
What is app DevOpS
This is a set of practical approach and values that have been tested and trusted to improve the software release cycle, security, software quality as well as fast tracks the product development of wide range of organisations.
DevOps is a platform that enables developers to deploy and change their systems without seeking for assistance from other teams and developers in DevOps industries. It is a platform designed to improvement information and technology performance which in turn improves business outcomes.
Any organisation utilising the services of DevOps have great potentials to benefit tremendously from its services. Benefits associated with DevOps includes; technical benefits which make Code changes deployed faster, Quicker recovery from downtimes, Less complexity to manage, Automated testing and deployments, Quicker feedback from clients, Elimination of bottlenecks & faster resolution of problems. In terms of the cultural benefits, transparency in distribution of knowledge and skills, increased collaborations between the development teams and higher employment engagement comes to play. In its business benefits, there is faster and quick delivery of products, stable operational environments, easier achievement of organisational visions and goals and improved communication among developers

Buddy is A decentralised application development and deployment automation platform, designed for the purpose of making the adoption and utilization of DevOps very easy and transparent.
Buddy works perfectly with four major components which are streamlined to bring the best of its DevOps.
- Pipelines,
- Sandboxes,
- Version control
- Integrations
As earlier stated in the introductory part of this article, there are challenges developers and organisations face trying to adopt DevOps platforms. A survey conducted by sandbox specialists highlighted so many challenges companies and developers face in a quest to fully adopt DevOps platforms.
In this case developers and organisations tries to bring their operations and admin servers as well as maintain an optimum service level and also to have the full understanding that their goals are being shared. Since most businesses and developers work as an individual unit, adoption of DevOps by this organisation will seem too difficult.
DevOps works perfectly in cloud platforms which provide companies and app developers with speed and flexibility needed to test-run their app in a highly automated way. Companies trying to host and configure its app in remote servers may seem too difficult and in most cases impossible tasks to do due to the robust and complex nature the environment.
It has been observed that DevOps tools are available everywhere both in open source and commercial. These tools serve several purposes ranging from test, build, deploy and monitoring managements etc. It was observed also, that trying to figure out the right tools which meet the companies’ goals seems too difficult as results of changes occurring in the system.
Most app developers run into negligence of test automation as a result of the number of tasks that requires testing. This occurs mostly in high stakes application which needs testing before it's lunch. Automated testing in this case is really time consuming.
Blockchian technology is not as easy as we may think, even for experience developers. In order to bring development apps including blockchain technology into work force, there are components that needs to be in place. There are challenges and flaws surrounding adoption of blockchain and smart contract development. These challenges emanates once this smarts contract gets more complex as a result, introduces hackers and bugs into the system

Buddy has a full working product that enables companies and users to deliver their products at the quickest time. It enables users to improve in their software development and automation as a result, meeting customer’s satisfactions.

These pipelines are the basic building blocks of buddy. Buddy gives users the full liberty and platform to build their automation pipelines through the steps Buddy they executes in a particular pipeline. Buddy pipeline gives users the option of manual and repeated push of codes to repository, i.e. Just by one click of button.

Mr Stevens is a notable web and application developer in Nigeria. He has engaged in so many projects ranging from web hosting to application development using varieties of software. He used Buddy DevOps platforms to test his projects and some automated tasks within the server he used for the development. He developed some projects using some web hosting and building platforms integrating them into the DevOps pipelines, he noticed a boom in the developmental stages, utilizing the key steps in setting up an automation pipeline, he was able to carried out the various tasks as quick as possible in the system as well as integrating other projects he had from other platforms into the system. This in turn fast tracked the delivery times of his products to his customers. He thereafter acknowledges the buddy team, because the Buddy platform helped his business

Another major part of Buddy are sandboxes. They offer disposable test & preview environments for running apps and websites directly from Git repositories without any need for own servers or virtual machines.
Sanbdboxes in Buddy allows users to detect contents in its repositories and determines stacks suitable to run the app without initial configurations. It also allows configuration and running of apps to be carried out in a single step. This in turn solves the problem of time consuming, creating a scenario were the developer can focus more on their core business value.
Environments that supports SANDBOXES

Buddy has several automated actions arranged in pipelines to develop and deploy software and app, these in turn makes app development a matter of a click of button.
Buddy creates an accessible platform were third party developers can plug in their actions and still use them for their own automation development pipelines within the Buddy ecosystem.
Buddy DevOps marketplace allows users to plug in their own actions either free of charge or at a purchase. Researches have shown that smart contract like entherum are prone to theft and insecurity due to its vulnerabilities. Automation test makes it easier to enter any dApp development as well as increase the security level of smart contracts

This is a free service that ensures high level of security to automation analysis in blockchain technology, thereby preventing vulnerabilities and insecurity of web codes.
Buddy marketplace will allow third party developers to earn by submitting their actions into the system at the same time publish their plugins for free. This solves the problem of high cost when managing DevOps platform.
The idea behind creating an automated grid network in Buddy ecosystem is to allow auto scaling of infrastructure for development and deployment of automation.

The idea behind shared automation grid is to deposit intensive automation tasks, run by users into networks of Buddy instances. This is achieved by the use of compute units which is a small element that can be used as nodes of shared automation grid in exchange of Bud tokens. These units are 2vCpus, 2gb of ram and 4gb of SDD storage.
linking private automation grid to shared automation grid
Economy of shared automation grid
A private developer of automation, running its application using private automation grid within its sandbox for testing purposes, may require lots of time to complete its tasks. For this private developer to reduce time consuming, he seeks the assistance of Buddy available in shared grid. As a result he was able to complete its task within a minute

Advanced parallelism as a driver for demand
To establish a strong demand for Buddy's compute units. Buddy

The sole aim of Buddy was to enable easy adoption of DevOps by web developers which was achieved. In same vein., buddy has pioneered DevOps of blockchain based projects. By achieving this, developers can be given a platform to design automation pipelines of their choice in just a click of button using scripts and dApp monitoring.
BlockchainOps actions from DevOps market place
This is a platform that is designed to create an enabling environment for DevOps. It works perfectly using a Docker-based sandbox working together with Linux containers. This in turn boosts blockchain project development. DAppOs works well in Buddy cloud which allows users to work on their projects at anytime and anywhere. Thanks to Buddy for this initiative.
DAppOs as a monitoring tool
One the mind blowing contributions of the Buddy team was to allow DAppOs serve as a foundation for smart contracts/dApp projects used in blockchain training. By this action, developers now focuses more on training and learning more of dApp development while allowing the DAppOs carry out the installation and configuration tasks and actions. As a result directs the developers towards their core Business values and also allow them focus on building what they need.
DAppOs Services
Buddy using its DAppOs enables blockchain developers to be productive rather than focus on the installation and configuration of the system. Buddy using its DAppOs enables templates that works well for entherum, Hyperledger, NEM, and Multichain development. Buddy gives users a platform to deploy unlimited blockchain nodes for Buddy instances for multichain applications

BUD is a utility token that is based on entherum, built on decentralized economy of Buddy.

Buddy platforms allows users and developers to utilize BUD token as tools from the DevOps marketplace to fast track their businesses. Buddy creates platform were suppliers can share their compute units to earn BUD token. This allows users to purchase tools using BUD token. Buddy economy provides platform were users can act as nodes for automation grids at the same time earn from utilizing their computers to run tasks for developers

Buddy with is services has come to reshape and change the entire DevOps ecosystem creating easy adoption of DevOps into the both the blockchain industries and systems. Let's us embrace this initiative. And all thanks to the Buddy team

Watch this video to know more about Buddy
For More Information and Resources:
- Buddy Website
- Buddy WhitePaper
- Buddy OnePager
- Buddy Token Sale
- Buddy YouTube
- Buddy BitcoinTalk
- Buddy Facebook
- Buddy Telegram
- Buddy Linkedin
- Buddy Twitter
- Buddy Medium
- Buddy Github
Right thoughts you have @smartgreat, and set them cool
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