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One of the few incidences where throwing a full flag feels better than receiving a full upvote.
One of the few incidences where throwing a full flag feels better than receiving a full upvote.
Look everybody…. I’m a good guy, I follow directions and I would not do something like this again. Making or losing money on this post is of my least concern. My drive isn’t money… This was my first attempt to become more known and a part of the community through this action. Obviously, this post was a mistake and I should have used something else. For some reason I thought people would like this type of thing on here, but I was clearly wrong. I’ve invested in Steem Power and was going to continue to do so. I’m learning the ropes of this place and am considering promoting steemit to my large email list after I learned all the ropes. It just seems that my attempts of communication to apologize and rectify the situation are being ignored.
Matt Monarch! Never throw me under the bus!
You fucking coward!
Why did you edit your post? Why did you turn it into this:
And all that other drivel you spit all over my screen!
You piece of shit!
I came here and you tried to tell me, in so many words, I'd be talking to Jesus if I took your fucking Angel Dust before reading the bible! You cocksucker! This is what you said:
Well I'll have you know, I've eaten more mushrooms than you can shake a Mario at, and I've read plenty of books! I don't get to chat it up with Jesus! Ever! Not even Kurt Cobain showed up! Nobody! Just some funky looking colors on the wall that weren't there before!
Why would you edit your post and turn this into a guilt trip!
You bastard!
Is this your first rodeo! Never been to a picnic before? HUh! Huh! Huh!
You can't just come here and attempt to sell your fucking hocus-pocus mumbo jumbo in front of thousands of people who have brains!
Did you expect us to write positive testimonial bullshit under your fucking sales pitch like you're used to when you write positive reviews about the products you sell under your bullshit on your own page? Did you think nobody would say anything! You tried to sell us bunk and you know it! So don't come here and try to guilt us all into feeling bad for flagging your post. Especially me!
You tried to take a shit on this platform! I'm not cleaning it up! That's your mess! You clean it up!
Welcome to the real world! If you want to sell some shit, go right ahead! But you better shape up and can the bullshit! Can the bullshit and sell it as health benefits again and expect to hear the truth! It's not our fault you suck at selling snake oil!
I flagged your fucking post because it seems like you're acting like a con-artist! You! I'm not part of some fucking dictatorship you filthy swine! I acted alone! Called a spade a spade! If you don't like that, fuck you!
That's all. Thank you for your time. Learn a lesson instead of blaming us and this platform. Have a nice day.
You are very quickly becoming my favourite person on Steemit. :)
I wasn't being 100% serious there.
I think I'll save this one for world 4.
Haha. About what bit ? Ripping him a new a hole or taking all them shrooms. I've never seen God either while taking so much it would make a blind man trip.)
I'm just not the one who's losing sleep.
I feel all fired up after reading that.
That's why a simple, inoffensive, downvote, that doesn't involve being treated like a thug after the fact, is the way to go. I could have turned that heat up ten times higher. I'll leave that here, as is, so people can see and decide what's better. My words and the rest of this shit show, or a simple thumbs down.
My only question is did you try his product? Or just label it garbage? Because this reaction reminds me of my toddlers quarreling over air. I don't know the whole situation, however, taking anything to heart on the internet is foolish. This platform is supposed to be about people expressing their passions, no matter what they may be.
Posted using Partiko Android
Why would I try a product after someone resorted to bullshit in order to lure weak minds into making a purchase? Did you even see the original article that was here before it was deleted? If someone came up to you on the streets with a smile and some white powder, claimed it would make you feel good, and said his buddy combines it with the bible to get closer to God; would you take his word for it and buy it, take it home, snort it up, and look for God?
What makes you think I'm taking it to heart?
So what's the problem? Can't a toddler quarrel over air?
All I'm saying is it's a futile task. Sure, my toddlers can quarrel over air, but it doesn't fix anything, it doesn't do anyone any good, same as bashing someone who has a product they like, and have a passion for. 🤷♀️and the reason I mentioned you taking it to heart is because of how defensively you reacted, resorting to name calling and such. I'm just a concerned third party trying to keep people level headed and respectful. Disagreement is no reason to mistreat someone. And to be honest, with all the health problems I have, I would probably try a product that could help. I'd be smart and ask all the right questions first, of course, but I teach my kids to give things a try before they say they don't like it, so, therefore, I'm never gonna discredit a product that I (or someone very close to me) haven't personally tried. I know that's just me and not everyone thinks the same way as I do, but that's my p.o.v.
Posted using Partiko Android
You missed the point. I flagged this post, made one joke, and asked one question. The post was later edited. Converted into the guilt trip we can all see now. I will not stand for someone attempting to make me look like a villain. I didn't mistreat anyone, I stood up for myself. I don't give a shit if look like an asshole for standing up for myself. Treat me like a villain, I'll show you a villain. In the end though, I honestly don't give a shit.
Go tell your kids to smoke crack first to see if they like it or not. I'll teach my kids to tell the crack dealer to fuck off.
And another thing: I'm not a religious man but I know marketing when I see it. The original post here was NOT an article, it was an ADVERTISEMENT disguised as an article and the REASON why people are shouting him down and calling him a snake oil salesman is because he included lines like this in the original post:
If you can't see what's wrong with that line. If you don't know why the word SOME comes first and have no idea how much calculation is behind the word BIBLE, you got duped, and that was the intention.
Have a nice day.
Seeing the post as it now stands, no one would know what part you played, except that he tagged you. You gave yourself the villainous vibe when you backlashed (which may or may not of been justly dealt). I'm not judging you, and I'm not judging him. I'm just trying to help make the community a place where people can speak freely without being attacked. It kills everyone's mood when there's a full-on word fight, and there's better ways to solve your differences. That's all I'm saying. I hope you have a better day and don't let the actions of others influence your mood. C: I actually have a post about handling anger. You're more than welcome to check it out, but you don't have to if you don't want to.
Posted using Partiko Android
What makes you think I'm angry? And if I was angry, what is wrong with that? Should I mince my words and be dishonest with this man just so I don't hurt your sensitive feelings or make myself look bad in front of others who wish to judge me? Dude, I don't care. Plain English. I don't give a shit. Though it may appear as if I give a shit, I truly don't. Does that register? If people want to see me in a negative light for telling the truth and standing up for myself: that is their flaw, not mine.
Go ahead and read everything I just said again. This time remove the tone you created within your mind. That figment of your imagination and belief system. Read it with a happy voice inside your head. Then you'll notice how everything you think of me had more to do with you than me.
How much more truth do I need to offer? If people would sooner buy bullshit, so be it. I don't care.
I know I look crazy in front of these people who will do everything they can to make themselves appear to be perfect. I can admit I look like a nutcase! Who cares! I don't have to save face. I don't have potential sales on the line here. People already think I'm an asshole anyway. LOL. Who cares.
Dude, I love your no-nonsense reply. Gave me a chuckle, you just gained a follow from this alone.
Laughs are good. LOL!
If I had emotions, I would probably be in love right now.
All views, ideas and forms for expressions are welcomed on the Steem blockchain. Nobody here can stop you from sharing your mind or promote your ideas and/or products.
However, it is a platform where all stakeholders have a say, positive and negative, in determining the value of content and contributions as they see it. When a post is boosted to the top of the trending page using bid-bots, it falls on the community to voice its opinion about the quality and value of the content. Sure, it may help you gain exposure and perhaps more people will end up upvoting you if they see value in what you bring. However, you may also see that people dislike it, as has been the case here.
People want a front page that to the best extent possible reflects the best of the platform, not the worst. I'm happy to see how many people believe that this post was the latter.
Apologizing doesn't return money to scammed people.
And it's not only the money that people lost because of this bullshit.
Have you ever tried this product? and by the countless people who have been helped by this product, was also scammed?
"Making or losing money on this post is of my least concern. My drive isn’t money"
Why did you monetise the post and then proceed to spam huge amounts of bid bots then.
"This is the problem that I’ve had with raw food haters over the last 20+ years"
I see, so this has nothing at all to do with your contradictory statements and spammy behaviour, it's because there's a hoard of tyrannical trolls out there who really have a problem with other people eating celery sticks. Well that clears that one up then.
"I did more research and you can clearly see that my Ormus post got 80% upvotes and only 20% downvotes, It seems to me that there is a small tyrannical aspect going on here on Steemit"
Those numbers do not represent the qualitative value of any given post at all, and are in no way to be interpreted on a simple like/dislike basis. That is a false comparative. It is also not evidence of a "tyranny", your cognitive dissonance is astounding.
People have a self interest to vote on trending posts because of the potential to earn curation on said post, even if they couldn't give two hoots about its content. Ergo, an 80% upvote does not mean 80% of those people actually care about or like your post.
Conversely it is highly unusual to receive any downvotes on Steemit, there is not the same self interest drive to downvote, arguably it is weighted more in meaning than an upvote. Simply, people genuinely downvote behaviour they really don't like. Notice I said behaviour, not the content nor product you were trying to sell in your post. That's an important point because you are mistakenly defending your products, not your behaviour.
I believe your post is one of the most downvoted posts in the history of Steemit and it's not because there is a conspiracy or prejudice against raw fooders here. A 20% downvote is HUGE here. A dubious accolade which should, I hope, give you pause for thought.
"I firmly believe in Ormus and use it frequently. I know thousands of people that have experienced the healing properties of Ormus. For those who are so quick to judge it as snake oil, I wonder if you have ever tried it or maybe you were duped with an inferior version."
Well then that leaves you massively open to cognitive bias, belief and subjective testimony mean nothing. Especially given the fact you sell a "superior" version of it. Cognitive bias is a well established phenomena, I have not seen you post one link to a double blind study that proves anything about ormus, or any of the other things you claim.
Just because you and "thousands of people that have experienced the healing properties of Ormus" doesn't mean anything until you cite a reliable double blind study. Because cognitive bias and placebo.
This in part, is why your post got so many downvotes.
"It’s sad to see something that has a good uplifting effect on people get trashed like this. There are literally thousands of stories on the internet and countless of people I have known personally who were healed by Ormus and experienced great benefit from it."
There are "literally thousands of stories on the internet" about the earth being flat. Your point is?
"It just seems that my attempts of communication to apologize and rectify the situation are being ignored."
You made no attempt to apologise anywhere in this post, you just stated you had "made a mistake" and then immediately tried to justify your position and play victim. That isn't an apology, an apology requires you uttering the words "I am sorry."
Now, I am not saying you should or shouldn't genuinely apologise, although it might be a good idea. I'm just explaining what an apology actually is, as you seem to be struggling with its definition.
"Look everybody…. I’m a good guy"
Yes, everyone likes to think that about themselves. Seeing as you have hardly made any positive comments on OTHER peoples posts, and then proceeded to use bid bots to flog your product whilst claiming not being interested in making money, your above statement is on shaky ground. Respect and good reputation are earned, not freely given on the behest of the person claiming they deserve it.
I trust this helps and I wish you luck, you're going to need it.
No, I'm not mental. Are you? I'm clearly stating that it's a scam and you are asking me if I tried it. It's the most ridiculously stupid thing I've ever saw here.
Yes. It can't help anyone because it's bullshit. Not even real bull's shit which can be useful. It's just scammy pile of dirt.
Even flat-earthers are better than you, because they are not selling their bullshit to people in need.
So, You don't think adults should be able to purchase and ingest whatever they choose?
I'm not going to purchase his product, but I support adults making adult decisions.
As people can sell stuff they want, people are equally free to talk against people, companies and products.
If I'm saying someone is a scammer, their products are bullshit and only mentally handicapped people buy it - I'm not saying people don't have a freedom to make their own decision.
I have my freedom to comment on the product.
Giving people freedom to choose doesn't mean we shouldn't express negative opinions on something.
That's a good point! And in turn, I guess I also reacted.
But I hear you. Well said.
Are you in favor of having the black market up-and-running on Steemit, @whatsup?
Would you have this same mindset if people started auctioning off child-porn and human kidneys, sitting on Steemit at the number one spot on trending?
I won't answer for you, but, IMO, the line has to be drawn somewhere, or else you create the potential for some of the ugliest sides of humanity to start growing and, potentially, over-running the community.
To be clear, I think scamming people using bogus health products/ claims is near the lowest of low that a human can reach and I don't particularly like the idea of having Steemit's trending page being dominated by this trash.
For me the freedom to buy and sell is about adults.
The problem with Child Porn and Kidney's is that someone is directly injured.
I don't care if people smoke pot, do hard drugs or experiment with unproven products based on personal experience. I am for adults being adults.
I get the concern about the trending page, and I was really excited to see people use their voting power to express how they feel about this!
So, I completely approve of the flagging as well as the upvotes! That is how the site works and when people start flagging the site will function much better in my opinion. I am happy the conversation broke out.
I see. We're not in disagreement, then.
That doesn't follow from Decentral's comment.
U can make some yourself, for no money and witness it yourself instead of bashing it.. i just made some for the very first time and i'm now very intrigeud by the fact that i saw it dissapeare.....
You mean pile of dirt? Seems like you don't even know what this scammer was trying to sell before he edited it out.
U mean this pile of dirt...?
U can do this in your kitchen, yeah so.. doesn't make them less valueble... Btw Mendelejev his table of elements didn't that miss out on some elements...... Well well M-state elements would fit wright in there.
(First just know I went and upvoted all your comments here that were flagged so they would be not hidden anymore, just so you know)
But Yes Matt, yes they were scammed, if they bought "ormus" then yes man, they were scammed.. Sorry...I know this product seems to have a lot of people swearing by it but its 100% placebo. Real Honestr to God Stardust Blue, or the Secretion from glands of maji grail line indigo children, who were chased down and put into captivity during Ancient Egypt when theyd go CRAZY for this stuff, is no longer found on Earth, due to many reasons that you can think of like DNA being expired and no longer being able to produce this compound, you can find out about Stardust Blue or "Celesteline" on keylontic Science Dictionary. And how the "Ormus" or "Monoatomic Gold" is just a counterfeit version, syntehtically produced, and it would make the ancient egyptain presists trying to replicate the ascension experience go Crazy and iut was described like the Spice from Dune, lke hyperdimensional DMT, but our DNA and brains in current state can't handle it and youy will go insane if you use that stuff, but what you are selling is NOT that eoitehr its a counterfeit of the counterfeit of the real 12 Dimensional stardust blue aka Celestaline
But hey why not just forget the obvious monoatomic gold scam and replace it with COPLLOIDAL SILVER now THAt stuff works and VERY few people are going to argue its effectiveness! It would be S cool to see you just replace the monoatomic gold with some much less controversial Colloidal Silver product and there sos many cool things to try, you could probably get a very good deal on making your own bulk colloidal silver product to sell and sav people good money, etc
I think it was a success. You're definitely well-known ^_^ LOL
Sorry. It's an adjustment for everyone. I hope you manage to navigate the treacherous waters you now find yourself in.
Why don't you decline rewards then?
I'm editing this post. I just looked at the voting statistics, and it shows that 80% of all the votes were upvotes...
Just so you know, 80% of the upvotes are probably from people who just wanted curation rewards. The 20% downvotes should be a very strong indication about how disliked your original post was. Most posts on Steemit receive 0% downvotes.
And if you check that bartenders shit post on trending you'll see virtually the same thing happened to him.
while this is true. the reason for the downvotes is petty as hell.
Not really, the community determines what type of content is considered high quality. This wasn't high quality content and was pushing a scam product. The flags were more than deserved.
I'm actually listening to Matt justify his product and post on Discord right now. He's not doing well.
yeah i'm there too, and you're totally right, I forgot it was a known scam
You can decline rewards at Settings -> Preferences -> Blog post rewards -> Decline Payout.
Your post will still be on trending, but without payout and people won't downvote it.
I think you can still set @null as benefactor and burn all rewards.
I set @null as benefactor for 50% of rewards for this comment.

You can use to burn payout to @null
Hello there @mattmonarch
What are they accusing you about? I find your post really informative that's why I read it from start to finish. I didn't know that science can already explain spiritual things and your article, though you are promoting your product, has really given me an idea that this is possible. Do not use statements such as like the one you posted insinuating asking for upvotes. I clearly know that's not what you meant though. Good luck with your journey and it is amazing that you invested on steem. I hope I could be able to do it just like you in the future.
Seeking for upvotes is considered a spam.
Cheer up and let's just enjoy steemit :)
That was why my doqnvote was given in the first place. science does not explain spiritual stuff. Using big scientific words the make it sound like something is scientific does not sit with me
Hello there. I kinda agree with you. But then if a phenomenon is explained in a believable manner then it will really makes sense. I have taken his explanation in a scientific manner though.
DO NOT Burn these rewards, reinvest them back into yourself! You paid for these votes! Don't let them tell you what to do with your money, its not up to them, don't let them bully you lol just if you REALLy want to help GIVE the rewards to some of my Friends in Africa @mcsamm @steemgh @yensesa @black-man @desmond41 many great Steemians in Ghana and Nigeria who can really use your help man they promote steem over in Africa and with your help they can help bring 1 BILLION Human beings over onto our steem blockchain in the next 10 years!
Matt I know it may seem crazy here with people telling you to bring up benefactor reward code to burn your payouta nd all of this crazy shit haha but remember, this guy doenst speak for all of us... @fyrstikken what would he do.. Well he may like the ide aof burning the rewards I DOUBT it hed say what are we CRAZY?> you PAID for these upvotes you should get the payout back! If you do feel guilty just pick a few projects here on steem you likle maybe find some raw vegan people who you like or maybe some Steemians in Developing Countries or just whatever you want, just find some hardworking steemians and maybe send them some of the rewards or BETTE RYET man, just buy Delegation with that reward money and then UPVOTE people to help thjem! Why send people YOUR money when you can buy SP or Delegation with it and then UPVOTE and that way you can give even MORE tio people!
Anyway Matt just come into if you want to speak with some big Steemians, BIG whales, investors people with millions of SP, including @fyrstikken and developers and steemit inc employees like @inertia and other community representatives, like me, heh I mean I can tell you how many steemians feel, I have a good idea but you need to hear from more than just myself, come tpo steemspeak its a good cross section of how steem works and thinks and feels they would love t hear from you therte matt , Fyrtsikken is just happy your invested into Bid Bots and buying Votes to inmvest in yourself, its how he wants the world to use steem, and I agree its healthy its a market like an Ad Market and it works! And you did nothing wrong here matt, sure many people don't like monoatomic gold, and maybe you shouldn't promote products that are kinda haha scams but hey , its placebo effect some people do like the product, just as long as you arent making any illegal claims the FD wouldn't approve of then who cares hahaha I disgaree with sdelling ormus on steem but all I can do is flag and I will never flag something like this its awaste of money! But whoever wants to can do whatever they want with their stake! Why fightw hat otehsr do with their stake?
Anyway matt don't worry man just come tro our discord its the LARGEST Steem Related discoprd and there you will find outwhat the3 REAL community members think and feel and maybe they will want you to burn these rewards butr I Doubt it why should you? You Paid for them! If you want just maybe distribute themn to some great projects and write a post about that! Or USE them to pay for Upvotes for Great projects you can find HERE a site by @roelandp that lets you browse lots of Steem based Projects
WOW this is good thx @ackza for taking the time to post this. I was getting really discouraged from this guy @fbslo for attacking my post as well. I'm investing $15,000 in the next few weeks and I really hope to get connected to a good group as well. Is open to anybody?
YOU said you are not about making money. I asked you why didn't you decline rewards then.
You were trying to sell baloney through bollocks, no amount of editing or making about-turns or playing the flagged-for-no-good-reason victim will change that and guess what, the original version is still on the blockchain.
You failed to be taken seriously by anyone with half a brain, and now you turn out to be a post-retracting three-inch whiner as well.
Hint: 20% flags is huge here. Please go away.
Don't listen to @fbslo he's a bully
hmm! good for you cause somethings never change
Cumulative Steem power of flags so far:
Just another 9 million or so Steem Power worth of down votes to go.
Or maybe a Bot owner / chief delegator would like to default the curation reward?
Use the Bernie signal, Asher!
Hey, there's me!
Top of the shop! :)
The post has changed though, ooo, decisions...
I am still learning about Steem. How much voting power has been used to vote this up versus voting this down?
It was a smart move from him not to use @promobot.
Sure thing!
hey @fredrikaa Matt Monarch will adapt and listen.... Ive met him in person in VilcaBamba Ecuador where he had quite the reputation as a Global businessman
Also Did you know its technically illegal for matt monarch to cash out from steem/SBD to Bitcoin LOL because in Ecuador Bitcoin is actually illegal ? Hah maybe it will hellp Matt to keep his winnings in Steem powered up forever pr until they change that law! LOL its true and its from a sort of insane ignorance about cryptocurrency on the part of the Ecuadorian president Correa who I used to respect and I got to meet him when he came to Vilcabamba but you know, I heard that was a sort of socialist and I mean, Ecuador was just run So much better than for example, Peru with its massive depressing slums that would drive any human to suicide, I just couldn't really deny the ability of Ecuador to be a functioning nation, I really respect Ecuador, but to make Bitcoin illegal, its juwst... Its just the worst sort of deal breaker and I mean suyre its an un enforced law but at any moment they could enforce it and they do actually enforce it to a degree in the business world, like you can't oipen up a coinbase type company down there openly but we do see p2p small time Bitcoin Dealers and all sorts of smal time biutcoin businesses but HOPEFIULLY they'll change that, and OF COURSE people still use Bitcoin in Ecuador but its just a SHAME that they actually have a ban on it legally, SUCH a shame when moving to VilcaBamba like Matt monarch and using the US dollar and regular ATM debit cards at their ATMs is just such a tempting proposition since you can live comfortably down there on just a few hundred dollars a month so steem would be PERFECT for living as an ex patriot in Vilcabamba.
Anyway its a shme that Matt Monarch is using Steem to promote the most controversial of his products when he could have just stuck to promoting the CBD oils and other raw vegan suppliments like Zeolite clay, now that is a product oif his that I loved! I brought that stuff down to ecuador actually when I visited and actually got tro Meet @mattmonarch and his healthforce Zeolite clay was Literallly life changing and cleaned my insides out so well and changedthe color of my you knwow hat, and it just made me FEEL better and I could FEEL it cleaning my body, it was clay so of course it would, edible fine pwder clay, THAt stuff works... But this "ormus" white powder gold... Now that stuff I just must object to, it is clearly a scam, I mean what IS it? Is it actually tested gold? Tell us what it is MADE of like what are we actually BUYING??? If its GOLD then tell us about edible gold but if its just sand in a capsule I mean... Tel us what it is made of and show some nutritional facts, give uis a list of compounds... I can't accept that eating Gold, no matter how many atoms it has, would be of any benefit to our health... Now we DO have prven effects from COLLOIDAL silver maybe even colloidal Gold in water like they HAVE in vilcabamba ecuador where the nmatural water fropm the rivers has colloidal silver whichis antoi bacterial anti fungal anti viral but Gold? Not so much.,... Its why the old royalty of the world would use SILVER wear when they had Gold to eat on too, but they chose SILVER... Its SILVER that has the health benefits... Not gold.... Gold may also be hard for bacteria and viruii and fungus to grow on just like silver abd Brass (hence brass doorknobs being self sanitizing every 12 hours or so) but we should focus on the health effects of SILVER not gold... .