As much as I don't like seeing this type of shit on top of trending.....
I personally believe your action as of now is completely sufficient Mark.
This post is not plagiarism.
As for fraud, that's totally in the eye of the beholder....clearly some people believe in this mumbojumbo and there is a huge market for these types of products because of that.
In some ways, there are some benefits to this post trending, it very clearly shows the power and ability in advertising and self investment in our ecosystem.
It is a shame that said product is shady at best, but that is where the community has it's opportunity to step in with their own stake and decide if something like this should be where it is.
I commend you for your personal decision to disagree with it's value and using your own flag.....
As for your, I don't want to see the bots using their delegation to censor content (if it's not obvious plagiarism/fraud of course)
Let this be an example to all content creators and product salesman on steemit.
If you truly believe in your "product", you too have the opportunity to invest in it and push it in front of many eyes.
The community in general can and should decide it's value from there.
Here's to capitalism AND the power of the people!