
in #otherworldly4 months ago


Case File 004: Spectral Auditory Phenomenon (SAP)

Subject: Eclipsum Descensus: The Inverted World

Eclipsum Descensus, or "The Inverted World," is a spectral auditory phenomenon associated with a series of eerily perfect stone staircases found deep within caves across the globe. These stairs lead to an alien-like parallel dimension where the world is flipped upside down and everything is rendered in shades of black and white, including the sky and stars. The dimension features towering superstructures made of a void-black material, casting long, eerie shadows in the perpetual twilight.


The stairs appear unexpectedly in various cave systems, often discovered by spelunkers and explorers. Once an individual begins to descend these stairs, they are transported to the Inverted World. The transition is marked by a sudden shift in perception: the world appears to flip upside down, and all colors drain away, leaving only black, white, and shades of gray.


Victim Exploitation:
Those who enter the Inverted World experience disorientation and extreme psychological stress. The stark, colorless environment is unsettling, with familiar objects and landscapes rendered alien and disturbing. The auditory component of the phenomenon manifests as a constant, low-frequency hum, occasionally punctuated by distant whispers and echoes that seem to emanate from all directions. These sounds often induce paranoia and fear, as they suggest an unseen presence.

Detection Method:
To detect entrances to the Eclipsum Descensus, Noctis Lumen Agency employs specialized ground-penetrating radar and spectral resonance equipment to identify anomalous cave systems. Additionally, the use of audio recording devices capable of capturing ultra-low-frequency sounds helps pinpoint areas where the phenomenon is active.


Containment Protocol:
Containment involves sealing off cave systems where the stairs have been discovered and monitoring these locations for further activity. Surveillance teams equipped with Spectral Resonance Amplifiers (SRA) and audio recording devices are stationed at these sites to detect any new manifestations. If an entrance is found, it is secured and monitored to prevent unauthorized access.


Exploration Log - Initial Descent:
Date: October 14, 1953
Location: Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico

Exploration Team:

Agent Silvanus (Lead)
Agent Livia
Agent Castor
Agent Faustus
00:00: Team discovers a previously undocumented passage in the depths of Carlsbad Caverns. The passage leads to a perfectly carved stone staircase descending into darkness.

00:10: Agents begin descent. Ambient temperature drops noticeably, and the walls of the cave become unnaturally smooth.

00:20: Visual distortion occurs. The team reports feeling as though the world is flipping upside down. The environment transitions to monochrome.


00:30: The Inverted World is fully revealed. The sky, devoid of stars, is a stark, flat black. A black sun with a white permanent eclipse ring hangs motionless in the sky, casting an eerie twilight over the landscape.



00:40: Agents report disorientation and a sense of being watched. Whispering sounds begin, disjointed and coming from all directions. Agent Castor notes the whispers resemble distant conversations in an unknown language.

00:50: The landscape is dominated by towering superstructures made of a void-black material. These structures are massive, reaching into the sky with no apparent purpose. Their surfaces absorb all light, giving them a menacing presence.

01:10: The team encounters strange flora that appear to be petrified, twisted forms of familiar plants, rendered in black and white. The ground is covered in a fine, ash-like substance that clings to their boots.

01:30: Agent Faustus experiences acute paranoia and insists on returning. The team decides to abort the mission and retrace their steps.

01:40: Upon ascending the stairs, the team transitions back to the normal dimension. The experience leaves them physically unharmed but deeply disturbed.

Exploration Log - Second Descent
Date: November 18, 1953
Location: Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico

Exploration Team:

Agent Silvanus (Lead)
Agent Livia
Agent Castor
Agent Faustus
Agent Nova (Survivor)
00:00: The team returns to the previously discovered passage. With added equipment and a fresh resolve, they begin their descent.

00:10: As before, the ambient temperature drops, and the walls of the cave become unnaturally smooth.

00:20: The world flips upside down, and colors drain away. The Inverted World comes into view, with its black sun and white eclipse ring casting an eerie twilight over the landscape.

00:30: The team moves cautiously, documenting the towering superstructures of void-black material. Agent Nova reports an unsettling feeling of being watched, similar to the previous mission.

00:40: Whispers begin, more pronounced and disturbing than before. Agent Livia notes that the whispers seem to form coherent sentences in an unknown language.

01:00: The team encounters a new structure, a vast, cathedral-like edifice made of the same void-black material. Inside, they find intricate carvings and symbols that seem to shift and change when viewed from different angles.


01:20: Agents Castor and Faustus begin to show signs of severe psychological stress, reporting intense paranoia and auditory hallucinations of familiar voices calling to them from the shadows.

01:30: The team encounters pools of boiling black liquid scattered across the landscape. The liquid emits a sulfurous smell, and its surface bubbles ominously.


01:40: As they attempt to navigate around a particularly large pool, the team is attacked by monstrous entities emerging from the shadows. These creatures are humanoid in shape but grotesquely distorted, with elongated limbs and gaping maws.

01:50: Agent Faustus is pulled into a pool of boiling liquid by one of the creatures. His screams are quickly silenced as he is consumed by the liquid.

02:00: The remaining team members engage the creatures, but their weapons seem ineffective. Agent Castor is dragged away by another entity, disappearing into the shadows.

02:10: Agent Silvanus orders a retreat. As the team turns back, the landscape around them begins to warp and shift, the shadows growing longer and more oppressive. Agent Silvanus is overtaken by one of the monstrous entities and pulled into the void-black material of a nearby structure.

02:20: Agents Livia and Nova reach the staircase, but Livia is taken just steps away from escape. Agent Nova, with immense effort, manages to ascend the stairs.

02:30: Agent Nova emerges back into the normal dimension, disoriented and traumatized but physically unharmed. She is the sole survivor.

Survivor's Account:
Agent Nova describes the experience as deeply disturbing. The whispers, which initially seemed like distant echoes, grew louder and more insistent, as if the entity was trying to communicate. The void-black superstructures appeared to move and shift, creating a labyrinthine landscape that changed around them. The boiling pools of black liquid and the monstrous entities added a terrifying, physical threat to the psychological horror. She reports a strong sense of malevolence from the shadows, which seemed to reach out and claim her teammates.

Research Notes:
The second descent into the Inverted World confirmed the presence of sentient, malevolent entities within the shadows. These entities appear capable of manipulating the environment and exerting psychological and physical influence over their victims. The boiling black liquid presents an additional hazard. Further exploration is deemed too dangerous without significant advancements in containment and protective technology. Psychological support and debriefing for Agent Nova are ongoing. Future missions will require enhanced mental safeguards and more robust detection and containment measures.

Addendum: Monstrous Entities of the Inverted World

Name: Tenebrae Monstrum (Shadow Beasts)

Tenebrae Monstrum, commonly referred to as Shadow Beasts, are humanoid creatures that inhabit the Inverted World. These entities are grotesquely distorted, with elongated limbs, gaping maws, and bodies made of a shadowy, semi-liquid substance that seems to merge with the surrounding void-black structures. Their eyes glow faintly, a disturbing white against their dark forms.



Shadow Beasts are highly aggressive and territorial. They emerge from the shadows or from within the void-black structures and boiling pools of black liquid to attack intruders. Their movements are fluid and predatory, often blending seamlessly with the shadows to ambush their prey. The entities communicate through the low-frequency hum and whispers that permeate the Inverted World, often using these sounds to disorient and terrorize their victims.


Stealth: The creatures can blend into the shadows, making them nearly invisible in the dim, monochrome landscape.
Physical Strength: Shadow Beasts possess immense physical strength, capable of overpowering and dismembering their victims with ease.
Psychological Manipulation: The whispers and low-frequency hums they produce can induce paranoia, fear, and hallucinations, weakening the mental state of their prey.
Thermal Resilience: The boiling black liquid they often emerge from suggests a high resistance to extreme temperatures, making them impervious to standard thermal-based weaponry.
Containment Recommendations:
Given the extreme danger posed by the Shadow Beasts, containment protocols focus on avoidance and the sealing of entrances to the Inverted World. If engagement is unavoidable, it is recommended to use high-intensity light sources and sonic disruptors to disorient the creatures. Research into their weaknesses continues, with the aim of developing more effective countermeasures.

Research Notes:
Further study is required to understand the origin and nature of the Shadow Beasts. Current hypotheses suggest they may be manifestations of the malevolent entity that controls the Inverted World, or perhaps they are the corrupted forms of previous intruders who failed to escape. Continued exploration and research into the Inverted World and its inhabitants remain a priority for the Noctis Lumen Agency, albeit with heightened caution and preparedness.



Additional Observations:

Atmosphere: The air in the Inverted World is thin and cold, carrying a faint metallic taste. Breathing becomes increasingly labored the longer one stays.
Time Perception: Time appears to flow differently; an hour in the Inverted World feels like days. Watches and other time-keeping devices malfunction.
Auditory Anomalies: Besides the whispers, the team reported hearing their own voices echoed back in distorted, mocking tones.
Visual Anomalies: Occasionally, the black and white environment seems to shimmer, momentarily revealing vibrant colors before fading back to monochrome.
Research Notes:
Further exploration of the Inverted World is deemed necessary to understand its nature and origins. The connection between the physical stairs and the dimensional shift remains unclear. Psychological assessments and monitoring of affected agents are ongoing. Future missions will prioritize mental health safeguards and enhanced detection measures. The possibility of intelligent entities residing within the Inverted World cannot be ruled out and requires further investigation.