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RE: Pain...

in #pain6 years ago

Pain is ‘Mother (nature) reminding us “ that we have been given a beauty miraculous organic human body and the reminder is that we are erring in a manner .....silent wisdom should never go without notice from within.......and then show without...... as well ....when you feel the sharp spear in liver effect it is akin to the 3 day miracle of Jesus ....however that is a deep moment to reflect within.........24-48 hrs is when the most powerful pain body and mind usually avail if one is to say water fast this is when the devil is up to all the ole tricks of ancient times


As well and to add the bible is a book of the body and the alchemical nature of such see James is the mercury Andrew is the sulfur............Peter is the astral......etc etc ....however the salt is of the earth and this is the third substance to make the trinity of inner healing come fore with in natural cleansing and have faith in 3 days on water only one will know on 7ndays of water only nothing absolutely nothin else one will visit the father in secret.

That’s a very interesting comment to ponder ... thanks