Steemit Congrats... You've Succeeded In Removing Spam! And Me!

in #palnet6 years ago

Dear Steemit,

I spent almost 2 years here and didn't power down once... I vote 2126 SP... And my vote is not worth anything. Its ok, I get half of it though.

Ohhhh shit, I just realized half of nothing is still nothing!

This is the nail in the coffin... You guys are truly clueless.

Hey, on the bright side... at least there is no SPAM anymore!

ps... I thought the free downvote idea was stupid because people would get upset at getting downvoted. But now I realize that you planned on driving everyone away first. Its actually brilliant. "No spam and free downvotes", I bet the people left will be in heaven!

pps... My personal powerdown is starting now!


Sorry to hear. You were one of my first contacts on Steem.
I'm waiting to see how it pans out.

I hope it turns out better than it started for your sake and many others @apshamilton... I do love some of the things they did, and I'll keep my eyes open too (in case they fix things).

I wish you the best and hopefully this is just a bad bump in a much bigger road ahead!!! :)

Ah man, I have only just opened steem since the hf so I haven't seen the impact yet. Shit dude. I dont know what to say.

Posted using Partiko Android

:) ... you are one of the people I truly respect Paula. I know you are there trying to fight the "good fight" every day, and I truly hope you win... I don't have much faith in the people that make these changes, but if things ever get bad enough maybe they will listen one day. If I they would ever listen, I would say they need to speak directly to you and Asher and find out what makes people tick. (there is too much geek and not enough common sense imo)

I'll still be around if you need me (or I can help you), so just tag me if so... or better yet just message me on discord anytime! :)

You could be a curator, the return will be up to around 8% now, hard to get that anywhere else.

I've always appreciated your thoughts @slobberchops... While we didn't directly have too much interaction, I certainly remember you well as you have a very rememberable name and icon :) ... Good luck to you always and thanks for the advice for sure!!!

I can still battle you in SteemMonsters, it's happened several times. Good luck too, hope to see you back one day.

lol yes of course... You will definitely see me around for sure, I really enjoy SM! :D

Personally I'm going to watch how things shake out over the next couple of weeks, but I'm pretty sure even Stevie Wonder could see the downsides of the proposed changes in this Hardfork

Hey Sparkesy43... I'm always happy to hear from you... and yes, I think you are wise to see what happens... And while of course I had an idea of how bad it would be, its like a cold shower to wake me up when I see the vote value (and realize its wasted).

I am still super excited about Splinterlands though, so I guess I should be thankful to Steemit decision makers for at least enabling that game to flourish on their platform.

I hope you are not trying to say goodbye so soon?

Posted using Partiko Android

I will watch how it goes. But if they take away all the vote value of the minnows and below, then I feel they will eventually lose people's interest. Maybe it will work out as they hope and all the abuse will add value back to others, but we will see!

Damn chief... Head over to Trybe I say. It's a blast with less drama than exist around these parts. Don't get me wrong, steemit has some great folks and it does suck that some are flagged indiscriminately.... much like in society there's difficult folks no matter where you go. Stuff like SM and some of the awesome relationships that have been forged will be worth a visit, but your creative efforts as well as leadership qualities will be respected wherever you apply them and over time far better block chain social media outlets will crop up. I think we once discussed how steemit was just a beta to see how this concept would work out. ... in truth I don't believe anyone wanted it to truly take off or it wouldn't continue to be restructured to fail. But hey... time will tell my friend. Things could be getting worse before they get better. Like you said, we can only watch and wait.

I hope you see this before you leave for good. Im fairly new here and have very few posts but useca goid hslf my votes on a daily basis since joining.
Tye point is steemit is not tge only blockchain platform. I'm also on blockstack and the people there are awesome. I hope you come by and check us out. It is a truly decentralized platform.

Hey, whatsup here...

You do realize the reward pool is still adjusting right? It has to recalculate the averages and what you vote is today is not what it will be in the future.


^ look at the bidbot usage... It's almost nothing. The downvotes happening are though the roof.

Leave if you like, but the HF impacts haven't started yet.

One week from the hf we will see the first post payouts. ... After those and the dvs hit... the averages that calculate voting weight will begin to adjust.

Looking forward to seeing how it goes!

Thank you for the information @adsup and for the attempt to help me see the impact properly. I will in fact keep my eyes open and see if what you are pointing out works that way. Either way, I still appreciate your taking the time to "help me". :)

ps...I do hope Steem and Steemit succeeds, I have many friends here with much more than me and no matter what I do, I definitely hope they come out well in the end!

Hey, @davemccoy.

So, no more splinterlands, too? I guess you don't need to hold SP for that, but anyway, I'm thinking you're still going to hang somewhat around for that since you haven't really been blogging a whole lot anyway.

I'm waiting to see the effects of the first payout here in about half an hour. It's looking like 50% of what it was going to make, which was essentially 0.52 STEEM (now showing as a total of 0.26 STEEM on steemworld).

I thought I'd wait until I see the actual payout before I go ballistic. :)

If I'd been smart, I would be tracking someone amidst the higher SP to see if there payouts actually went up. Obviously, some of it is going to curation. Which by the way, according to steemworld, my total curation payout went up from just under 3 SP to 6.5 SP. :)

Okay, the curation reward just came in. Said I would get 0.51 SP on steemworld, but it was actually 0.35—better than usual, but anyway.

If this is goodbye, I wish you would wait a little anyway to see how this actually recalibrates, but if it is, I'm happy to have had the opportunity to talk with you, and I wish you well in whatever other undertaking you decide to do.

You are right in that I will still be around (on discord and sometimes on here if I get tagged)... So you can always get me Glen...

And even though I think the place is likely to die due to these dumbass decisions, I hope that Steem remains alive so that the steem-engine and splinterlands continue. And yes, I do plan on sticking with Splinterlands... That is a something that I think has really great potential still.

And same to you on the opportunity to meet you. One day maybe we will even run into each other in the real world. If I ever get out to the west coast, I will definitely look you up!

Also I wish you the best in EVERYTHING you do... You're one of the people in life that I would be proud to say I've had the pleasure to get to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, free downvote idea is stupid but they need it for more circlejerking.

Good luck sir.

Thank you @boosta... And yep, I agree!

ps... thanks for that vote, its an honor to receive it!

I have a different opinion about this new downvote system.. now I have reason to dv an spt which only post a single line or photo like on facebook or instagram😂 or some posts which use #spt but the content was about house building.

For me... that's okay if you are stupid, but not Greedy😆. You haven't post a lot too @davemccoy 😉 I think you'd better help people through dusty.

Cici, as long as you are having fun, then I think you should always do what makes you smile! I see your comments many times when I need to empty my VP and go to your page. You really have many friends and enjoy yourself. I completely support that and don't ever want to take that shine off your smile!

and ps... I will still continue to vote the people that are awesome, so I will still give what vote I have to you for sure ;)

I saw the notification about you're wasting VP on my comments😂 you're just like dusty's free service😆. Thank you.

I don't have many friends, but I like to read and shared my opinions freely, i don't care about the vote or flag anymore. There are many people out there who love to help and promote their communities, while I only knew people from old newbiegames and I stick with them for fun. I think my only benefit from steemit is coming from my ignorance to earn more and more while I know my limited capacity to take it, LOL.

So glad that I have splintersland to enjoy, no contests but fun.

lol... I'm always happy to "waste" VP on your comments! I like to read them (even the ones in a language I don't know) :P

... and yes the people are what kept me around for a long time. If it wasn't for Steemit, I wouldn't have met you Cici! (the best Captain in the world) ;)