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RE: The Steem Name Is Mud Within The Industry

in #palnet5 years ago

What a great piece!
Deep and dirty, straight to address the elephant in the room.
I created this account a few months ago to give Steem a second chance.
I left Steem more than a year ago when the toxicity get too much (trail bots, manips, and such).

Splinterland brought me back, and yeah the token creations is a turning point to leave Steemit's bloody name. More tribes surface and different communities grow with their own characters. A new hope, I believe.

Yeah, I've been wandering to other DPOS chains, tried and getting involved in some projects. Steem is maturing and showing clearer progress after 3 years.

I stand with you. I believe the community is strong enough to keep this blockchain growing and succeed.

Cheers 🍻

Posted using Partiko Android


welcome back. I hope Steem's going to progress and do well. Anyway.

Yeah, we all put our hope on Steem.
This time, I believe Steem will deliver!

Posted using Partiko Android