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RE: The New "Evil Empire"... China's Quest For Global Domination

in #palnet5 years ago

Well researched and comprehensive post, one of the longest I have seen on steemit. Full upvote deserved for effort and time to research.

As China comes to take over the world and the 21st century, it could become more Orwellian by the year, with Social Credit Score and mass surveillance.


China, I believe, is the globalists' trial balloon for the surveillance state. The regime works with the tech giants, Google, Twitter, FB and others to test facial recognition etc.. Soon we will be adopting something similar to the Social Credit system, I'm sure of it. Thank you!

That makes sense. It's a concern that the entire planet may degenerate into the dog-eating dictatorship that we see in China, with little free speech and no room for the nail that stands up from the crowd, which is the one that will be hammered down.

During the 17th & 18th centuries we had a clash of civilizations. The Brits had a global empire where the Chinese were content to limit themselves with a localized empire... both viewed the other as stupid barbarians. As history tells us, the Brits prevailed and the Chinese haven't forgotten the predations levelled against them. They will use the globalist elites to position themselves for a takeover- the Rothschild/Rockefeller diaspora are being played by a culture that is much more sophisticated.

As it stands China is being used as a test balloon for the surveillance state, their apparatus is already in place and they have the traitors in Silicon Valley on their side. What the idiots don't understand is that China puts a lot of stock in cultural hegemony... they've looked at the "gwai lo" as inferior from the beginning. They're also big on national loyalty- when and if they take over the first to be killed will be those that helped them... if you'll sell out your own country, then how can we trust you? Moreover, they've successfully infiltrated key institutions in the west- education being one. We've been at war with them since Korea in the 50's and now they've recruited over half of our government. This is what R. Lee Ermley would call "a deep shit situation" and nobody even knows it's happening.

Yes you said it well. The Chinese see us as inferior and weak, and they have very few scruples. SO the showdown between the Rothchild banking elite that run the west, and China. Where do Russia fit in? I presume on the side of the Chinese at this stage. And what about the Islamic jihad to convert the world? They will also fall under the Chinese Empire.

Q brought up an interesting scenario... What if China, Russia and Iran are allied against us?