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RE: A Future Without Pizza Hut

in #palnet6 years ago

This is a very interesting story, but all three are garbage. I have not eaten at any one of those places in at least a decade. For one, they are corporate chains, lead by corporate douchebags, who hire totally in-experienced children to do the work for as little cost as possible.

We have a wood fire pizza place in my tiny little town of 30k people. Just down the street from a Pizza Hut. Not to mention Tony's Pizza in the next town over. Both of which source local ingredients and have their own unique style, quite simply, they out class these top three chains 10 fold.

Those top three represent nothing but low cost, mass produced food that is basically poison, and kills people every day. High in calories, carbs, fat, and saturated fat. Forget it!

Goodby Pizza Hut, good riddens!