Once upon a parallel consciousness...

in #parallel6 years ago

Chapter 1: Children, Part 1

Once upon a #parallel #consciousness, my #entangled #quantum essence began to merge with my doppelgänger from other realities, which has allowed me to observe, and to vibrate with the truth of their existence and experience.

Many times, while asleep, I have experienced a type of dreaming, whereby I have been able to cross over into parallel universes, that may appear similar, and yet, are still different in many aspects.

In one #reality, for example, I was able to connect with "Eom", who shared with me how young #children from early on, are allowed to play, and interact with whatever grabs their attention, no matter how amazing it may appear to their parents.

While the parents are allowed to influence the child, they are encouraged to allow the child to develop their own unique talents , whatever that may mean to them.

Every child has the equal opportunity to explore and experience how they believe they should be taught.

Common, everyday events are introduced to them at appropriate ages, however...and if a child seeks to pursue a specific idea, habit, trade, etc...then that is the direction the child is encouraged to follow.

The basic guidelines are to follow your passion, wherever it may lead, so long as it will do no harm to another.

#Equality of #opportunity is available to all, however, quotas are never allowed, as it is believed that the incoming #souls are evolved enough to know and understand their purpose, and to choose according.

It is also understood that we cannot assume that we know what is best for their #future, as we accept the premise that we are #reincarnated with specific purposes and attributes for our journey through this physical plane of #existence.

This has led to the observation of many souls coming forward as #prodigies in various fields, which has allowed them to become successful in a much quicker fashion then they otherwise would have developed.

It is for this reason, that because every life is valuable to the growth of society, and we can never know beforehand who is capable of what great accomplishments, that we will usually discourage the taking of an #unborn life, simply because of someones inability, or lack of interest, to care for the newly born child.

What if this new life is the next great scientist, or theologian, or architect, or doctor, or great thinker, or... we just don't know?!

This is the reality of #possibilities that must be considered, for the benefit of the planet, for #civilization, and beyond!

From other #realms, I shall return, with far more potentialities for growth.

Thank you for your valuable time.

From another parallel existence, this is Eom...from beyond your dimension of reality. {_}

As a side note...In other realities, many believe in being able to connect with these still unborn souls, through various means such as #mediums, so as to determine their wishes, as to whether they would allow their life to be canceled, as it were.

Most, would chose to live!
