For Mother's Day

in #parenthood7 years ago


I've been a mom for over 17 years. That is craziness, because in my head I am still that mischievous 21 year old with a future wide open.

Motherhood did not come easily for me. I could not give up my dream to become one. It took me 8 years, and on March 28, 2000, I delivered triplets.

The early years were a blur for the simple reason of being outnumbered. Think of three atoms constantly bouncing off each other once in the mobility stage and you become familiar with your new superpower of having eyes in the back of your head.


The reality of motherhood is something different entirely. All those things Mother's Day cards eloquently profess are true. Having children changes your life in ways you can not possibly anticipate.

Not all is rosy.

My biggest fear of being a parent was having to deal with vomit. It's a phobia that fills me with dread. I had to get over that one real quick. Imagine trying to keep violent bouts of stomach flu contained with four children under two. (Yes, I did have another baby after my triplets. It surprised me too.)


Now that they are teenagers, I find myself confronted with a whole new set of worries. They drive. Pre-teen eyerolls were laughable in comparison to the fear ripping through your solar plexus when your child drives on his own for the first time.

You adapt and conquer. That is a pretty good slogan for parenthood, really. Because what I learned is that no one knows what they are doing as parents. If they proclaim to, they're lying. You can read every book about parenting under the sun. Many are filled with good advice, but just as many are not. What I wish I knew when I first became a mom is that I would figure things out. Children have been a part of life forever. We know more than we think if we pay attention to what our instincts tell us. We don't need books to tell us when our children are not 100%.

Here's to all the mothers here on Steemit who signed on for the ride of our lives. We put a lot of things on hold when we chose our paths. But I can't think of any calling more honorable or humbling than being a mother and having the opportunity, actually obligation, to insert some more decent people into society.

Happy Mother's Day to you, and may you enjoy what's left of the one day a year where we can allow ourselves to be pampered, hopefully guilt free.


Happy Mamma Day ! Full power for this beautiful write up. It's not always been easy but my girl is my flawless diamond and sun

@Mammasitta! Thank you so much. I will always be glad we had some time to talk at Steemfest. Happy Mother's Day to you too. You are an angel! xx

Happy Mother's Day to you. What a lovely post. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm a new mother and celebrated my first Mother's Day with my 7 month old girl. It was a great day.

Congratulations on your triplets; I can't imagine having to wrangle more than one child. It must've been beautiful chaos. So special to watch them grow.

Gosh, I'm not looking forward to the day she starts driving. She's growing too fast as it is!

Thanks again, I enjoyed your post.

Thank you, @ecentrally. Wrangle is the right word for sure. Congratulations on your first Mother's day! They do grow up so fast. Savor every moment. ;)


^^ yes ^^
Dianne Wiest had this role down. That will be me.

Very nice post, good luck to you and your little angels.

I appreciate that, @liberian. Thank you!

Happy Mother's Day to you! I can't imagine how fast those days went when the triplets were young. I lol'd at your description of them as "three atoms bouncing together." I hope you enjoyed your day and got plenty of pampering!

That's what they were, Eric. Each one took off in a different direction, and it started with crawling. Most people look on in horror when children wear those harnesses. I can tell you, knowing my kids, their lives were spared more often than I care to think about. ;)

Aww , those little angels !! @fairytalelife thank you for sharing :)

Angels at times, little devils at others! ;)
Thank you, @smart0mind.

Tell me about it ^_^ @fairytalelife

I'm sure you know all too well! ;)

Happy mothers day:-)


Very nice post. I had four children but they were at least 3 yrs. apart and we were BUSY but I can't imagine how busy and TIRED you must have been. Happy Mothers Day!

Thanks, @team101. Four kids is a handful. Not sure if it's easier or more difficult to have them spread out. In my case, it was probably good to have the triplets first. One baby alone is overwhelming. Had I had my fourth child first, I may have been in tears during my multiple pregnancy wondering how I'd do it! ;) As always, I appreciate your comments! Cheers!

Happy mother's day @fairytalelife and cheers to the great job you've done! Both you and I know just what a contradiction your mothering has been to what you learned.

You are so right, @natureofbeing. We make choices to do the best we can despite how we grew up. Thank you, dear Ruth. I've missed you! xo

Happy Mother's Day to you! What an incredible adventure you must be having raising your family, triplets and another baby. Absolutely awesome. I've got one and that kept my hands full. Hope you've had a beautiful day!!

@judym, thank you! It is an adventure every day. One can keep anyone's hands full. I have one that was probably equivalent to 10 boys in the challenging department! ;) I hope you enjoyed your day as well.

Thank you, @judym. One does keep your hands full. They do all occupy each other, so that helped somewhat. The adventure will continue for the rest of my life! I hope you too enjoyed your day.