How To Learn A Backflip In One Day *5 Steps*

in #parkour7 years ago (edited)

How To Learn A Backflip In One Day

Have you ever wanted to learn how to do a standing backflip? I don't know about you but it was a BIG dream of mine ever since a kid! And nothing's better than accomplishing your I right? :)

That was a photo I took of my friend @parkerdude, we love to do flips and teach people how to properly do them!

How To Prepare

You're probably thinking, how am I going to go about doing this? And that's a GREAT question! Haha! First, it's important to know how to backflip on a trampoline, if you don't know how to backflip on a trampoline good first accomplish that. It's important to know the feeling of doing a backflip so when you first go for it, you know what to do.

How To Warm Up

First, it's good to do some stretches to make sure you don't pull anything, the best stretches I've learned to do are abdominal stretches because in backflips you depend on your abdomens. By the end of today, you'll have gotten a great ab workout! Haha! (But don't limit yourself to just abdominal stretches do whatever stretch you feel you need to be ready!) Once you feel warmed up and stretched out then practice these steps.

1. Practice Doing It Flat On Trampoline

If you don't have access to a trampoline it is perfectly fine I learned it without a trampoline but it really helps to practice this warm up whenever you have access to one! Just get creative and use what you have to practice getting the rotation down and really feeling it. I used a pool to help me feel more comfortable with the rotation and all of dat jazz! :)

2. Do It On A Mattress

This step is SO IMPORTANT to learning how to backflip flat! This is your time to shine! This by far is the hardest step, getting over the mental fear everyone builds up is SO HARD but it's definitely a fight that you can win! :) Like in this image I recommend using a mattress or pillows to get over the fear of doing it flat. But feel free to use whatever you want to learn this, I've heard of people using couches! 😂 lol! Feel free to be CREATIVE!

On this step, don't worry about how you look, just worry about getting over the fear of flipping backward. Guaranteed your first flip on the mattress will probably be considered a flop but that doesn't matter! All that matters is that you overcame your fears and you went for it! After that keep working on your backflip on the mattress until you get to the point where you can land it pretty good on the mattress.

3. Backflip From The Ground To The Mattress

Only move to this step if you feel comfortable with the last step!

Once you feel that you've mastered doing it on the mattress itself then try doing it from the ground to the mattress. Sure this is going to take time to master because you have to jump up more but it will help you get the feeling from jumping on the ground.

4. Backflip From The Mattress To The Ground

This step is SO IMPORTANT because it teaches you that the ground isn't soft like a mattress. So be prepared for that! :) With this step just like step 2 there will be a bit of a mental fear that comes over you but trust me, YOU CAN DO IT!!!

5. Backflip On The Grass

The moment has come! You have worked your way up to this point and now is really your time to shine! This is when you will put everything you've learned into one...amazing...FLIP!


If you have any questions about how to learn this or you're wondering how your form is, feel free to comment down below! Also if you want I'd love to see videos of you doing it and your progress! Feel free to add those down below too!

Also if you want to see my progression on my first backflip here's the video:




aye!!!! great job explaining the backflip! It's good to get this out there! keep up the great posts!!! thanks for the shout out homie!!

Ayyyee thank you so much dude!!! I really appreciate it man! And haha anytime man! :D STAY FLIPPIN AWESOME!!!