You Think Banana Program Is Silly?... in Fact Its Mission is Very Serious... The Future of Steem is in Our HandssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #partiko7 years ago (edited)

I am def going to be trying this. I agree with 1000%.
Q: What can you do with the points on Partiko once you earn them?

I hear they will be converted to upvotes but not official yet. I talked to the developer on many occasions and he has his shit together. Very professional and also attentive to user feedback.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Nice. So If I understand right you can earn banana points on their dapp that would feed back into Steem upvotes later. So similar to how an SMT would work. A micro-economy with it's own set of rules and UX within a larger economy? I hope the UX is good b/c that's one thing Steemit lacks in and of course better more fair rewards system.

People compete weekly and get real prizes sent to them in the mail.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hmmmm I’m not really wanting to commit to a Banana Economy due to my ADD. I have trouble sticking to one idea. I want flexibility so I want to be able to change all the time, if Partiko has its own coin I’d adopt that I think.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Partiko has its own coin I’d adopt that I think.

They probably will eventually and DTube if successful. It would be great if they do because it creates a positive feedback loop into Steem value, much like ERC-20's do with Ethereum. "The Dapp Social Media Economy". That's plan anyway with Steem. I'll try Partiko.

The @partiko app is really something. I'm getting hooked to it because it's so easy to use. The points system does also play a part in making it more addictive.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes it’s safe to say that I’m 100% addicted already and it definitely takes the edge off not getting rewards .... it’s like a band-aid approach but as more and more people use it, I believe the points can become more and more integral and important to the ecosystem. Partiko also watches for scammers and calls them out on spammy behavior.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well, I wouldn't be surprised if they launch a SMT subsequently and the points can be converted to their tokens :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah maybe this is the plan, hard to say but good apps spread pretty virally

Posted using Partiko iOS

Really glad to hear it. We'll make Partiko better for you.

Posted using Partiko Android

Surfing steem through partiko is quite easy on phone rather than browser. In steem whoever have more SP, have more influence in the platform. But for the beginner it's requires a lot to get attention. But to build the community bigger and stronger people need to support each other else it will take a very long time for steem to become another facebook. If community grows then automatically people will be benefitted.

Posted using Partiko Android

What a great view of u @sabelle.
You know what a lot of whale account do not care for the minnow. Then, you come with Banna Program which make a lot of people engage it and get reward for joing your program. A lot of my friend quit on steemit because they made a good content with sometimes take a long time to provide a good content but then they didnt get any upvote because they are new and not someone who have a huge SP.
U really help a lot of people. Thank you so much. Im gratefull for that.

Posted using Partiko Android

And I’m grateful for Partiko because it made me happy again. Most people will quit if no one pays attention to 99% of the people. Partiko app is better at giving activity rewards and also makes us feel good about spending our time here.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah I agree with u @stellabelle. I myself really grateful for what u did. Beside u help minnow steemian who need attention from whale, u also make @partiko become bigger at the same time. Partiko give us a point each of our activity which makes us feel rewarded for spending time there. Im addicted to partiko to be honest then I supprise and happy when I know ur Banana Program. I really apprciate it for ur program and partiko.

Posted using Partiko Android

Partiko understands our human nature better.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah, I think so @stellabelle :)

Posted using Partiko Android

I have seen a lot of comments with the Partiko signature but haven't decide to check this until now.

Recently I tried out a lot of apps and they are all doing something like this

Do you mind sharing some of those apps? I wonder what project competing with Steem is doing a better work?


I just found but it’s not an app, Partiko is the one so far that i actually like the most

Posted using Partiko iOS, ONO,, Mithril, Rize app to name a few

Posted using Partiko iOS

Might give the app a try. You seem so sure it's a solution to the retention problem

Thanks, let us know how it goes!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, I'm feel partiko as the spearhead for new users in steemit. They can grow with partiko.

I will live with @partiko forever.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahahahaha it feels like a family that listens

Posted using Partiko iOS

Rigth, that true. The partiko i feels like a family. Not just a communities and facilities.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm glad you're telling it how it is. I think a lot of us--especially if we've been around a while--feel dismayed (? I'm not sure what the word I'm looking for here is) by the platform and all the bid bot BS, circle jerking and lack of engagement going on. I know I feel a lot less bullish than I did even 6 months ago and it's not cos of the steem price (although that doesn't help).

I knew about partiko but not about the rewards. You've convinced me to download it and give it a go.

Thanks. All I ask is that everyone get educated and take a clean look. It’s easy to get discouraged and for me I’m glad I left for awhile. It helped me see more clearly about the competition

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks, let us know how it goes!

Posted using Partiko Android

OK, Let me try this, hello from Partiko

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello from the creator of Partiko

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha, epic app! I think I am sold. Are you alone or do you have little dev team? Any telegram to follow up as I have way too many questions :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

Join our Discord server and tag me.

Posted using Partiko Android

Just downloaded and taking a look at partiko now (commenting through it right now). Can you explain a bit about these points and what not that you mentioned?

Edit: Definitely a nice looking interface

Posted using Partiko Android

I heard they will be converted to upvotes but it’s not officially announced yet. Personally I love getting acknowledged for my activity and I suggested this a long time ago (to deaf ears). The Partiko team has already done a lot of user suggestions. It might be because they are already in a business world (I hear the code dev works for AIRBNB) and AirBNB is heavily invested in User happiness

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ah yeah very cool! I see the section on the app now that talks about this. (Curious to see what the "betting" is all about too... Loves me some gambling)

Edit: I wanted to paste a screenshot in here, but I can't seem to upload photos to a comment. Something for the devs to add maybe?

Posted using Partiko Android

Posting photo in comment will be available soon. Stay tuned.

Posted using Partiko Android

Looking forward to it. Good work so far -- seems polished for what I assume is a work in progress.

Posted using Partiko Android

I hope soon

Posted using Partiko iOS

Betting has been on iOS and we removed it. It will come back.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey iOS version doesn’t have betting features.... now I’m curious about this

Posted using Partiko iOS

Seems like there was a bunch of World Cup stuff in there.

Screenshot_20180824-105010.png Screenshot_20180824-110613 (2).png

Oh cool! It’s not on iOS yet! Something to look forward to! Partiko users are like a family I feel that way

Posted using Partiko iOS

Make a post with the screenshot and I’ll make you a gif to post in comments lol

Posted using Partiko iOS