My Experience at the Christian Fight for Freedom Event

in #pastors3 years ago

In Canada they didn't close the temples of other religions but they did close the Christian Churches! If you have any shred of belief that this Covid is real at this point, you should consider this. I believe is is neither real nor imaginary but complex. There is a real part which as dangerous as a flu. The Swedish data proves that.

“How Could the Germans allow this Tyranny to Go So Far?”

There was a the president of the Canada Christian College there. They first had an appeal of how the college was going to be granted University status and then
it was rejected. Perhaps that is a legitimate concern.

The Crew

Ezra Levant - President Founder of Rebel News - was there.
Dr. Julie Ponesse - Ethics Professor.

The Pastors

Christian pastors Pastor Hutchings, Pastor Henry Hildebrandt, and the even more famous Pastor Artur Pawlowski

These are the new days of persecution of Christians in the west. One of these pastors had to endure 35 days in solitary confinement! They have been arrested for holding church services.

It was inspirational how these people out of love for God, have acted in a way that puts them in danger and high risk.

The Action

When the president of Rebel News, Ezra Levant, was a school boy, two Holocaust survivors worked at Ezra Levant's school. There were Germans that did try and some did rescue Jews at their own peril. He mentioned that it is a common question to ask “How Could the Germans allow this Tyranny to Go So Far?”. They would tell them, that the whole thing took many steps. The new laws were rationalized and accepted, and as the boiling frog. It starts in steps like we have seen this last two years. How are you letting this frog get boiled? How can you fight back?

The strategy of challenging these Covidian tyranny with legal challenges in the courts. The Democracy Fund funds legal challenges cases where these unconstitutional laws in court, and by winning one case precedent can be a big win for people as a whole.

Their plan is to hire the top lawyers to fight these COVID restrictions but they will need money.

I normally don't give to charity. The reason is, that while the money is supposed to go to a purpose I may agree with sometimes organizations will misuse these funds— Don't ask me how I know this.

I live on my crypto earnings and I am going to donate the proceeds of my last programming job which took me two full working days to complete to Fight Vaccine Passports

You could go to the page and sign the petition. What if we all did the following? Take two days pay, send it to help fight this legal struggle.

It actually feels better than keeping the money and buying a brand new .... Well, I've got to go out looking for more paid work. I'll end this article here.


You can donate here. Sorry, they don't accept crypto-currencies for this fund.

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