RE: Patriotism, an Abomination
You compared people waving the American flag today to those people who waved the Nazi flag during WW2, as if there were some kind of equivalency there.
You believe that the Nazis weren't freedom loving people, or do you think that Internment Camps for Asian Looking people were something that the Americans got from the Nazis?
Apparently, you never learned that the people who broke open the concentration camps and freed the prisoners there wore the American flag, and waved it, too. Any comparisons between these saviors of men and the monsters they fought is a false equivalency of the most egregious kind.
The people waving the nazi flags didn't qualify as monsters. The people that committed millions of atrocious crimes against the natives could qualify as monsters though.
You are unworthy to breathe the same air as the people you decry. Patriots have been some of the most remarkable people in history.
Talking points...
Ben Franklin was the man who tamed lightning.
As if you knew him personally.
George Washington was one of the greatest tactical minds in history.
Thomas Jefferson was a writer without
Without principle.
Yet you would dismiss all these as simply men who were unhappy about their taxes.
Yeah, guess you got a point there.
Perhaps we should try to hold your achievements up against theirs, and see how the scales of history judge.
Who's history?
All free men are equal, unless you lived on this land for more than 4 generations, then you're an Indian.