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RE: Patriotism, an Abomination

I'm an Okie but I still like TEXAS so I voted you up. I love trolling anarchist. I can't seem to reason with these folks. In Merica, WE THE PEOPLE still have guns which is more than can be said for these alleged anarchist retreats. It's still pretty native here in the Indian Nations and Indians are not lovers of the government.....unless their on food stamps and then they only love the government on the first of the month.


Most American gun owners are proud to be "law-abiding taxpayers," meaning they gladly and proudly obey and pay tribute to the ruling class. Which makes their guns worthless, as far as a check against tyranny. (I'm not sure what anarchists you know, but about 96% of the ones I know are armed.)

I'm glad to know that. No need to be an unarmed victim. There is no doubt most Merican gun owners are obedient slaves. But the masses no longer trust the government and the more "WOKE" they get the less government they want. This is the age of American awakening and that's problematic for the G-man, because the slaves aren't in chains and they failed to take the guns. Freedom is a process. Index it like Bitcoin or a stock because it's certainly not static. Be well.

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