
Nobody said anything about War In General Being A Racket. Do you have a problem with the phrase War is a racket, I mentioned that you're swine and I'm pelting you with pearls, you cannot appreciate it, just as you cannot close a sentence or finish a thought, and so to answer your question, you can stereotype people, but not events, or objects, you can only typecast and pigeonhole individuals.

The use of ellipsis/omission was used to say the conversation is not closed...

Omission is used to NOT SAY something. Instead of relying on people interpreting your omissions and effectively CLOSING THE CONVERSATION, maybe make your thought clear, concise, and conclusive, or COMPLETE.

I used ellipsis/omission to IMPLY the conversation was not closed.

That wasn't hard, it takes a little effort to be specific and correct, to mean what you say, and say what you mean.

Why do you need to say/imply that the conversation is not closed, ever? Are you saying that if someone replies back you will reply back to them or what is the motive for saying that, and how does that communicate that the conversation isn't over?

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