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RE: Patriotism, an Abomination
Wow, you really got goose-stepping there at the end. I'm guessing you also think it's crazy and evil when Muslims kill a cartoonist for making a cartoon of Mohammed, right? Well, guess what. That's you, only with a different fictional deity.
You are completely missing @eliyahu's point and you are doing so for no other reason than to garner an escalated reaction. How childish.
What he is trying to get you to understand is that in one respect, you are right, the government of the United States is the problem. The politicians in the separate city state of DC that walk hand in hand with the very same bankers and Elite that you rail against, are indeed to blame the current state of American affairs. That being said, what he is trying to get you and the rest of the petulant children on this post to understand is that, these politicians and greedy bankers are not the American People. They have not actually represented US for a very long time. The American Flag and Independence Day have nothing to do with them. It is for the People, the everyday, hard working people who do their best to survive with the hand they have been dealt.
Altruistic Anarchy is a fine dream for the young or those who think that it's "cool" to rebel against the machine... but true wisdom comes with age, patience and the ability to reach beyond those hothead emotions to see what is really real.
None of this will matter in even 100 years. This time will be nothing more or less than another cycle in the loop. Stop for a moment and think, think about all of the civilizations ages of humanity. How many cycles of war, upheaval, religions falling in and out of favor, have there been? Has any of it really changed anything?
Your anarchist views have come before, and they will come after, and it will not change. Anger, pointing fingers, ridiculing others, "moral superiority complexes" will not change anything. The only way all of this changes is the same way it has changed before. Evolution or catastrophic natural disaster that forces physical change and adaptation.
Thank you so very much Ms / Mrs @tabzjones I do appreciate your wisdom as well as your appreciation for truth. My words are for a small measure worthwhile...
Are you threatening me with death Sir?
Am I presumed to be slaughtered for my post?
So you bought into all that dogma about the cartoon did you? Now that speaks volumes in who you are and how you think.