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RE: Patriotism, an Abomination

in #patriotism8 years ago

I wonder what you would say to some carjacker, pointing a gun in your face and demanding your keys, if he said to you, "Well hey, these things happen. You can wish for a world without violent crime, but this is just human nature, so I might as well be on the winning side!"

No, authoritarianism is not inevitable, and no, it's not okay just because it's familiar and common.

By the way, I AM morally superior to anyone who condones the initiation of violence against his fellow man (which includes everyone who votes for political masters, "right," "left," or any other flavor).


"No, authoritarianism is not inevitable, and no, it's not okay just because it's familiar and common."

I never said it was okay, however I would like to know just where is this utopian country that you are holding up as an example of anti-authoritarianism? (and it needs to be comparable to the US in size because otherwise the managerial challenges are not equal) Because after thousands of years of history man has had plenty of time to achieve it. If authoritarianism is not inevitable as you suggest then we should have multiple examples of this utopia by now. It's one thing to "believe" something and entirely another to "prove" it. Hypotheticals are for burning straw men.

As someone else has pointed out, what a lot of us are celebrating are ideals that were set in place a couple of centuries ago and not the twisted deeds that the government has committed since then. As the founders writings indicate, even they who were trying to start a non-authoritarian government were not naive enough to think that it would survive for long.

Additionally, you will need to lose your arrogance and learn some humility before you approach anything resembling moral superiority.

Where does your "moral superiority" come from that allows you to preach "lose your arrogance and learn some humility..."? Do you see you are the one being arrogant when you make "your" moral judgement of Larken.

"a lot of us are celebrating ...ideals..."? Really? Which ones? Not the ones Larken is upholding.
When you salute/wave the flag you are supporting the reality we live in today, which is a growing authoritarianism, a threat to all our lives. You demand an example of a "utopian country"? Why? Larken can't criticize without it? Why? And no hypotheticals either?
But you are allowed to declare that authoritarianism is inevitable? Where is your proof? Or is that a hypothetical?

You're entitled to your opinions but not your won facts. It just seems to me the word moral is deeply rooted in religion and religion is just fine with violence towards it's fellow man.

"...moral is deeply rooted in religion..."
For most, not me. It never was, and never will be. My morality developed slowly over decades using reason for my ethical system, not superstition, not conformity to society. I decide what is best for me, not others. That's a fact - jack!
If it's your opinion that I don't have that right, I must conform, and you will make me, support a coercive system that dictates to me, then you are NOT entitled to your opinion, i.e., I will never grant you moral authority over me.