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RE: ***CLOSED - NO New Entries*** Week 9 - Pay It Forward Curation Contest

in #payitforward7 years ago

LOL I am trying a new app - Fast-Reply and somehow I got your reply mixed with someone else .
I hope your job search is successful and rewarding
Your one of the community builders and an example for Redfish to learn from . I wish most would follow your lead


Thank you kind sir!

  • submiting entries: I hope that I am leading by doing - to encourage people to submit entries, those who are reluctant and see my minimalist entries and say: "If he can do it (submit an entry) so can I ..." and do so.
  • giving and upvoting - I believe in "being the change that you would like to see happen", so, I give and upvote without expecting anything back and once in a while, I find a generous soul and a true friend.

@freedomshift Thats what its all about and you have not only lead by example but have made major contribution to it 👍

Thank you kindly!