Dayna Martin: Peaceful Parenting & Radical Unschooling | Ep. 10

Ep. 10 | Dayna Martin: Peaceful Parenting & Radical Unschooling

We were fortunate enough to get an interview with Dayna Martin at Anarchapulco in Acapulco, Mexico in 2018. We talked about peaceful parenting, radical unschooling, and more. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Peaceful parenting starts at birth.
  • Natural, home birth vs hospital birth
  • Hospitals are businesses
  • C-sections are much more common in hospitals
  • There are downsides to C-sections, including the baby missing out on special probiotics in the birth canal
  • Doulas and midwifes know what signs to look for to know when it's necessary to go to the hospital
  • Many doctors and nurses are only trained in natural birth for about 15 minutes.
  • When a baby is unmedicated, it helps itself be born.
  • When your kids have an interest, surround them with resources to pursue their interests.
  • Support your child in whatever they want to become
  • Let your children become what they're meant to be
  • The key to peaceful parenting is: not controlling them
Resources Mentioned

Such truths!
Our society has completely tried to undo what nature has done for us. Keep talking and keep sharing these truths! It’s insanity but there are many humans who would doubt these facts...

So true! Really, when speaking of the best for our kids - help children develop to their greatest potential!