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RE: Underground pedophile network in Australia revealed - Live

in #pedogate7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the informative post.
Im Australian so it really hits a nerve.
I generally dont comment about these scumbag mother .......
I used to work for the government and have to deal with these pedo pieces of shit in custody.
They are well looked after and allowed to keep kids magazines and share the pictures.
I used to confiscate them and rip them up and I got repramanded .
I realise the organized pedos dont get caught , but the are all the same scum.
I cant write posts about this , I get to emotional and generally dont swear.
I would appreciate your comments on my post THE 0.1% ARE THE SICK ONES.
Keep up the fight


woah to think they are organized makes me concerned

thanks marky :) i have followed back