Binge Whinge

in #peeves6 years ago

Well I don’t usually whinge and whine about
The things I can’t control. However today I will
Make an exception to the rule as some things
Just BUG ME!

Small Writing on Medication containing important information.
(Although hoping to cull the population with this one)
Product Packaging Which Requires Tools to Open It, such as jam jars and scissors in blister packaging. (Possibly saving a part of the population there)
Cloud Based Programs. Remember when you had access to your programs even when the internet wasn’t accessible, and delays were minimal.
Incorrect Clothes Sizes. Don’t think you can fool me, I know what size I am and just because you upsized the tags I didn’t get smaller.
Red Lights When No Ones Coming. Come on people, I’m old enough to cross the street by myself.
Repetitive Advertising Over Small Spans of Time. This is the reason I rarely indulge in commercial television or radio. Or play online. It’s one of my super peeves. Even with laws to stop it, Australian Tv is rife with repeat adds during sport particularly. (Bogans don’t seem to mind.)
No Milkshakes on the Moon. After all I watched the moon landing back in sixty-nine, so why haven’t McDonalds got an outlet there?????? (Pet Peeve)
80’s Retro. Come on, I lived through the big hair and geo design which promised us milkshakes on the moon. (Another pet)
Plants Commonly Known as Weeds. Just because a plant grows outstandingly well in a variety of situations and is difficult to eradicate, it gets the official title of Weed. Interesting how we measure success in plant terms.
Success. The measure of it by the standards of society! (Super Peeve)