the biological child kills his own mother

in #pembunuhan7 years ago

ACEH TIMUR, - A man, Nurdin bin Abdullah (45), a resident of Gampong Seumatang Aron, Nurussalam sub-district, East Aceh district, Aceh, killed his mother Rahmani binti M Ali (73), Tuesday (6/3/2018) The perpetrator bit his mother with a wooden broti at the house of the mother, Gampong Barong Bugeng, at around 05:30 pm earlier.

According to the residents, Nurdin bin Abdullah came to the mother's house in Gampong Barong on Monday, March 5, 2018. At 5:30 pm, Nurdin threw a pillow towards his nephew, Badrul Nafis and attempted to persecute him. The mother of the perpetrator, Rahmani trying to defend Nurdin not to persecute Badrul Nafis who is also his grandson.

After that, the victim Rahmani prays dawn. Currently worshiping, suddenly the perpetrator jumps on the floor while shouting angrily at his mother who he accused of worshiping a statue. Victims who are afraid to see children rampage immediately run out of the house.

Seeing her mother run, Nurdin actually picked up the mother while holding the wooden broti in the wake. Upon arriving in front of their house, Hanafiah, the perpetrator bricked the wood toward the head and on the right. The victim immediately fell to the ground and drained a lot of blood from the head. Not long after, the victim died.

Hanafiah feels to see his neighbor dead already covered with blood by his own son. He went to the keuchik's house or head of the village to report the incident. Furthermore, the village head of the murder case to the Nurussalam Police Station.

"At that time, there was not a single victim because the victim was still beside the mother while holding the wooden broth beam used by the lady," said Hanafiah.

Obtaining this information, Sector Police Chief (Kapolsek) Nurussalam Iptu Soegono can be a victim of a direct incident to the crime scene (TKP) to secure the perpetrators and evidence. "Currently, the perpetrators and wooden evidence used by victims, we have secured in Mapolsek Nurussalam," said Soegono.

When interrogated by the police at the Nurussalam Police Station, the perpetrators of the murders seemed confused to answer investigator questions. According to Gampong Barong residents, Nurdin bin Abdullah has long experienced psychiatric disorders.

Meanwhile, after the perpetrator was secured to the police station, relatives and residents well buried the victim's body in the yard. Residents seemed busy gathering at the funeral home.