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RE: Pen and Paper RPGs - which games I played part 1

The Dark Eye is the English name for it. I've been a huge fan and was disappointed for a long time at the lack of availability in the American market, then it suddenly came out, presumably riding the coat-tails of the video games, which were marginally popular here in the States. I've mostly played it digitally, because my group got a little fatigued on switching games.

Which edition of Shadowrun did you play? I remember Third Edition very fondly, and some of the later editions a little less fondly. Would be interesting to hear if Ulisses (assuming you played in German) did a better job of editing than the creators over here in the States.

If you enjoy a simpler fantasy experience, I might recommend Symbaroum. Not sure if there's a German version (it's originally Swedish), but it's a good take of what D&D might have been if it had followed a very different path.


I played mostly the 3rd edition of Shadowrun and only I think 2 games of 4th edition becaus emy group was too confused by the amount of rules and liked fantasy more than cyberpunk.
Yep I played the German version and I liked a lot what they created. I can remember me just sitting on the balcony and reading the books about cyberware and firearms just because I liked the writing style and imagining how I could use them in my games.
What went wrong with the editing in the original version?

Symbaroum hmmm will take a look if it's available here. I don't think that I can get my group to try out another game but we will see xD. At least there are always more cool ideas which I can implement into our games.
Splittermond is the game which we are playing atm and it's kind of a easier version of the dark eye with not that much details of the world and an interesting battle system. And it has has very good balancing. Well and you can download the basic rules for free. But atm it's only available in German but I hope that it gets translated in the future when they have finished everything.

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