
This is Christoph Waltz, an Austrian-German and A-list Hollywood actor and director, he is wearing a monocle which somewhat relates to the one-eye anomaly seen in several drones, vril parasites. It is interesting to know that the one-eye symbolism signifies the all-seeing eyes, hence the Reptilian Vril needs just one eye to insert its proboscis like tentacles and inject a parasite into the human brain.

Donald Marshall and several other witnesses had claimed that, once the parasite has full control of a body, Body-snatching takes place. Sounds like Sci-fi huh?

After body-snatching, the drones (body has taken over by Vril Parasite) have no control of their body, they are now own and controlled by this parasites, that's why you see some celebrities doing unspeakable things, sex scandals and every appalling thing you could think of.

Human clones and Vril drones have something in common, they are mind controlled and handled by some handlers in the secret realm. To be famous has its own price, you never know what to pay with till you are fully initiated, your wife, husband, family, parent and even your sanity could be the price to be paid for passage rites.

Be wise, what could possibly be more precious than your soul if you sell it for fame and fortune?


Soros / LOTR Sauron / Star Wars Emperor?

The All-Seeing Eye is fascinating, historical, & almost as tempting as selling away souls towards demons when eternal perspective is lost, when hope, principles, & belief in the value of the spirit is minimized. Here is an upvote.

Body Snatchers?

I don't know much about that but it reminds me Dollhouse which was a Joss Joseph Hill Whedon 2 seasons television series from the mid-2000's all about a company that rented out humans, like slaves, imprinted false memories onto the people, the dolls, in order to turn them into like actors, fake people, in order to remote control them into whatever the customers wanted who would rent out the dolls from the company. I should do a post on that. That show is what I think about when I hear "Body Snatch."

Exactly that's how it works, believe me; most of what we see in movies are real, they are programs to pollute the human mind subliminally without us knowing, only those who have been enlightened will stay smart and sharp!

Agreed. There is so much we do not know. Better, there is so much we do not we do not know. What we see is a window into what is and has been happening in many ways. Here is an upvote.